I need some assistance please. A little history about me . I am 61 and have been lifting most of my life and still do 4-5 days a week. Walk 4 miles 3-4 mornings a week and surf as well during the summer. I do not look my age...most think I am in my late 40s. I have done quite a few cycles in my time... more then I would care to think about. Anyway I am have a a function I would like to train for and looking to put on some lean muscle and would like to use SARMs to help me get there. Right now I am weighting around 185 and about 19% bf. I keep a pretty clean diet for the most part. I am big on daily liver support and other vitamins.
I would like to stack lgd4033 and mk677...and I am wondering what your thoughts might be.
Thank you in advance
I would like to stack lgd4033 and mk677...and I am wondering what your thoughts might be.
Thank you in advance