
Ironlifter36's 12 Week Transformation Log

Very nice Iron, glad to see your ahead of the game & way upped the calories in my opinion & your metabolism seems to be working accordingly. I'm choosing to raise my calories slowly, is this a bad approach in your opinion , I just don't want to rush & force my metabolism too fast like always . I've worked too hard to get to where I am & dont want to raise my bf% again like I've done in the past. My calipers are giving my abs a reading of 5-6mm, and I did the Omron thing at my gym & it's telling me I'm in the 8's. I just filled back with glycogen, now trying to harden back up before gaining again. Your doing great on your transform & on log Too !!! Hey & congrats on hearing bells ring soon.
I certainly hope so. As i mentioned in the beginning of my log, the main reason i decided to do this 12 week transformation was to get out and meet people on the forum in hopes of learning. You and CC are knowledgeable and detailed. Definitely plan to bounce things of one another in the future and follow both of you alls progress.
Happy Easter my man God bless to you and yours. Just a friendly reminder 10 days left on the contest. Love your blog and your interaction with everyone and I love your approach to dieting and I'm looking forward to your final product iron!!

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Happy Easter my man God bless to you and yours. Just a friendly reminder 10 days left on the contest. Love your blog and your interaction with everyone and I love your approach to dieting and I'm looking forward to your final product iron!!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Thanks BigB. Hope you two had a wonderful Easter.
Monday 4/17/2017 Update:

Weight 177lbs
Skin Folds - Stomach 8mm, Chest 6mm Legs 5mm
Nutrition 2900 Non-Workout Days / 3100 Workout Days

I saw a 2 LB jump in weight since last Monday. I attribute this primarily to the Easter Sunday meal I ate yesterday, which was epic to say the least. We had Ham so I am definitely holding some water due to the high sodium. Nevertheless, from monitoring progress earlier in the week, I can tell I am gaining weight slowly. Stomach skin folds are slowly starting to increase. Some of this is probably due to all the carbs, however the overall trend (increase in weight / increase in skin folds) indicates I am in a sufficient surplus at the moment. Having said that, I will keep my calories as is for the next week.
Hey, glad you had a nice Easter. Your doing a great job with increase too, exactly my plan also. Slow & steady !!
Keep on killing it, and the log too, very informative regarding your methods.
Very nice Iron, glad to see your ahead of the game & way upped the calories in my opinion & your metabolism seems to be working accordingly. I'm choosing to raise my calories slowly, is this a bad approach in your opinion , I just don't want to rush & force my metabolism too fast like always . I've worked too hard to get to where I am & dont want to raise my bf% again like I've done in the past. My calipers are giving my abs a reading of 5-6mm, and I did the Omron thing at my gym & it's telling me I'm in the 8's. I just filled back with glycogen, now trying to harden back up before gaining again. Your doing great on your transform & on log Too !!! Hey & congrats on hearing bells ring soon.

When I clean bulked in the past, even though I ate healthy, I added calories to quickly and gained unwanted fat. I will admit, not all things were equal back then as they are now, however, when I cut all that fat off, I vowed NEVER to let things get out of hand again. I am not a big fan of cardio ( I do it because it's good for me ) and I am really not a fan of having to grind out 4 - 5 30min cardio sessions per week in addition to my lifting on 175 to 200 carbs per day. I do what I have to do to obtain a goal, but do not want to have to spend 3-4 months in a cut ever again. I use the calipers to monitor progress. I care very little what my actual body fat number is. For me, I like how I look when my calipers read (5mm Stomach, 5mm Chest 5mm Legs). That totals 15mm for all 3 points and I use that as a reference point. I have set a projected upper limit of 35mm total for all 3 points. When my skin folds total 35mm, I am going to stop bulking and not go any further. Obviously, if I ate like shit, I could hit this upper limit point of 35mm in a month or two in which case most of the gains in weight would be fat. However, my plan is to eat in a very mild surplus and try to extend this period as long as possible in hopes that the muscle to fat gain ratio will be better. Will this hold true, I don't know. I haven't done this before. I am still in the process of experimenting and learning my body. I do know from experience, that if I eat from the soul or eat intuitively, I get fat.
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Wednesday 4/19/2017 Update

Weight: 177lbs
Skin Folds: Stomach 8mm, Chest 6mm, Legs 5mm
Nutrition: 2900cal Non-Workout Days; 3100cal Workout Days

I have decided to switch my workout routine back to a 4 day split. I had changed to a version of Pull, Push, Leg’s to allow for flexibility during my recent business trips. New split will be as follows:

Mon – Shoulders & Traps
Tues – Leg’s
Wed – Rest
Thurs – Chest & Biceps
Friday – Rest
Sat - Back & Triceps
Sun - Rest

Cardio would be done on rest days. Since I am in a slight surplus, keeping cardio session to 1 per week. Either 30min of Cross-trainer / Stairmaster or 25min HIIT Cardio.
Last nights Leg Workout:

BB Squats - 235x10, 235x10, 235x10
BB Hip Thrust - 175x12, 175x12, 175x12
DB Lunges w/ 50lb DB's - 10, 10, 10 (20 Total Steps per set)
Leg Extensions - 140x12, 140x10, 140x10
Super set w/
Seated Leg Curls - 100x12, 105x10, 105x10, 105x10+(Dropset last set)
Leg Press Calve Raises - 90x15, 110x15, 110x15, 110x15 *****

*****Haven't done calves in 2 weeks because I tweaked my left foot somehow. When ever I point my big toe, I would get a tingle in the top of my foot. I had been doing lot's of volume on calves up until that point and think I may have aggravated a tendon or ligament. So I am slowly easing back into calves.

Also, last week I made note of how I felt the day following my leg workout. I felt much more sore last week having done BB Split Squats compared to today following BB Squats. I do BB Squats because "I am Supposed too" however, feel little activation and soreness the following day. The BB Split squats make my hamstrings and glutes feel like they are on fire both during and post workout. I really feel good activation during this movement. With BB Squats, I feel none of this.
Friday 4/21/2017 Update.

Weight: 178lbs
Skin Folds: Stomach 8mm, Chest 5mm, Leg's 5mm

Weight has increased another 1lb, while skin folds holding steady. Will post up a quick view of last nights and this mornings work out. Headed out of town today so had to modify routine this week since these workouts fell back to back, 12 hours apart.

Thursday PM - Chest, Triceps & Ab's - Kept weight around 70% of 1Rep Max; Rest Intervals 90sec Compounds, 60 sec. isolations

DB Flat Bench - 4 sets of 10 reps
DB Incline Press - 4 Sets of 10 reps
Weighted Chest Dips -4 sets of 8 reps
Incline DB Fly - 3 Sets of 12 reps
Pec Dec Fly - 3 Sets of 12 reps
EZ Bar Skull Crusher - 4 Sets of 8-10 Reps
DB OH Tricep Ext - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Arm Cable Pushdown - 3 Sets of 12 Reps

Abs - 90lb Weighted Planks - 3 Sets of 1 Min; Hanging Leg Raises- 3 Sets of 12; Hanging V-Ups - 3 Sets of 10

Friday AM Back & Biceps

Rack Pulls - Heavy Working Sets - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
BB Rows - 4 Sets of 10 Reps
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Arm Cable Row - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Single Arm Lat Pulldown - 3 Sets of 10 Reps
EZ Bar Preacher Curl - 3 Sets of 8-9 Reps
DB Hammer Curls - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Alt. DB Curl - 3 Sets of 10-15 Reps
Monday 4/24/2017 Update:

Weight: 178.5lbs
Skin Folds: Stomach 8mm; Chest 6mm; Leg's 5mm
Nutrition: 2900 Non-Workout Days; 3100 Workout Days

Weight has increased 1.5lbs this last week, skin folds have stayed about the same at 19mm total for all 3 points. Don't feel as though I am holding extra water, but am drawing bloods this week to make sure numbers are in check. Since weight is increasing, I see no reason to further increase calories at this point, however comments, advise or feedback welcomed as always.

Went on a retreat / kind of camping trip with my fiancé this past weekend. Planned ahead, prepped 3lbs of grilled chicken, baked sweet potatoes and took plenty of oatmeal and fresh veggies. I was hesitant about breaking out the scale while I was there, but turned out there were about 10 other fitness minded people who had theirs out so I was not alone. I stayed within my target calorie range while still enjoying one dessert each day.

Will be heading to the gym tonight to do shoulders, traps and ab's. Also, need to grab some photos since this transformation will be over Wed.
Monday 4/24/2017 Update:

Weight: 178.5lbs
Skin Folds: Stomach 8mm; Chest 6mm; Leg's 5mm
Nutrition: 2900 Non-Workout Days; 3100 Workout Days

Weight has increased 1.5lbs this last week, skin folds have stayed about the same at 19mm total for all 3 points. Don't feel as though I am holding extra water, but am drawing bloods this week to make sure numbers are in check. Since weight is increasing, I see no reason to further increase calories at this point, however comments, advise or feedback welcomed as always.

Went on a retreat / kind of camping trip with my fiancé this past weekend. Planned ahead, prepped 3lbs of grilled chicken, baked sweet potatoes and took plenty of oatmeal and fresh veggies. I was hesitant about breaking out the scale while I was there, but turned out there were about 10 other fitness minded people who had theirs out so I was not alone. I stayed within my target calorie range while still enjoying one dessert each day.

Will be heading to the gym tonight to do shoulders, traps and ab's. Also, need to grab some photos since this transformation will be over Wed.
How bout these apples..... page 1 ....... End up at 179lbs, 9% Body Fat and with 162 LBM. You got .08 oz to go. Wow.
Sounds like you got the calories dialed in for a nice lean bulk. We're at the exact same weight right now.

Thanks Red. Seems as though my weight gain here in the last 2 weeks has been disproportionate to my surplus. I am not complaining at all, however don't think a 200-300 calories surplus will add 1-1.5lbs per week. Pulled bloods an hour ago.
Monday 4/24/2017 Update:

Weight: 178.5lbs
Skin Folds: Stomach 8mm; Chest 6mm; Leg's 5mm
Nutrition: 2900 Non-Workout Days; 3100 Workout Day
Weight has increased 1.5lbs this last week, skin folds have stayed about the same at 19mm total for all 3 points. Don't feel as though I am holding extra water, but am drawing bloods this week to make sure numbers are in check. Since weight is increasing, I see no reason to further increase calories at this point, however comments, advise or feedback welcomed as always.
Went on a retreat / kind of camping trip with my fiancé this past weekend. Planned ahead, prepped 3lbs of grilled chicken, baked sweet potatoes and took plenty of oatmeal and fresh veggies. I was hesitant about breaking out the scale while I was there, but turned out there were about 10 other fitness minded people who had theirs out so I was not alone. I stayed within my target calorie range while still enjoying one dessert each day.
Will be heading to the gym tonight to do shoulders, traps and ab's. Also, need to grab some photos since this transformation will be over Wed.

Glad to hear. Looks like your goal turned out to be a good plan, & is working for you. Also looks like the weight & calorie uptake is proportionately just fine to me.
Thanks Red. Seems as though my weight gain here in the last 2 weeks has been disproportionate to my surplus. I am not complaining at all, however don't think a 200-300 calories surplus will add 1-1.5lbs per week. Pulled bloods an hour ago.

Interested in seeing where your prl is at!! Are you going to post bloodwork?
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