
s4 + ldg 4033 miss dosage question


New member
Hey Dylan,

Big fan of your content and all you do. I am currently running a stack of s4 (50mg split daily for 12 weeks) and ldg 4033 (5mg for first 4 weeks then 10mg for remaining 8 weeks).

I am on my 7th week of my 12 week cycle as per the research and recommendation provided by your youtube channel and isarms form.

However my sister is getting married oversees and I do not plan to miss it as it is a very important day for her. I do not want to risk taking the products (purchased through your website) and have foreign customs confiscate it or have me in trouble.

I will end up missing 5 and a half or 6 days tops of my cycle. Would it ruin my cycle? Do you have any suggestions on what I can do in the mean time while I am not running the s4 and the ldg 4033? Any help would be great.
it wont completely ruin it, no... you will be fine but dont miss too long... over a week and i would say forget it but you should be fine
The break won't be the end of the world. Just hop back on it when you get back. It's not ideal but given your circumstances I totally understand. It won't be that big of a deal
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