
UGL Primo and hybrid cycle advice


New member
Running a hybrid primobolan cycle from a trusted source I’ve got really spectacular results from this sources ugl gear before. Currently running test enth, primo, ostarine, and lgd 3033 sarms sourced from umbrella.. Anyway, since primo is often faked I decided to run some tests on it from roid test. I’m partially color blind so I can not determine the colors on the charts however they don’t look like primo and possibly npp?? What do you think they could be I know primo is often faked with masteron but it does not look like those colors either. Appreciate any help identifying I know dylan has a soft spot for his primo guys as it is one of my favorite compounds too. I’m attaching the test photo and color roid identifying chart.


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i cant really say because those roid tests have shown to not be very accurate at all.. so i just can't say with any certainty whatsoever on the actual validity of them...
these roid tests you buy online aren't accurate man

at best they are subject to user error. I mean you yourself are proving it with your posts since you can't even read the colors
bros sorry but what you getting from these kits? color tests aren't gonna tell you how much is in the gear anyway
I will say the umbrella lgd 3033 is legit i'm only dosing 3-7 mg morning pre workout and 3-5 mg later in evening. Getting peak RAD 140 like vascularity within 2 weeks.
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