
New looking for info

Thanks guys you have been really really helpful from real experience rather than just recycling info you have seen or heard out there. I'll def take Dylan's stack into consideration and get my hands on it asap!! Any good sarms sources?
is the only one to recommend they are the real deal here
I appreciate it Dylan it's obvious I've gotten pretty shitty info so I'm glad I found you guys!! I'm quite new to enhancements hence my 'dumb' questions lol I'll def follow your advice and get the stack you recommended me asap. Thanks man!!
I appreciate it Dylan it's obvious I've gotten pretty shitty info so I'm glad I found you guys!! I'm quite new to enhancements hence my 'dumb' questions lol I'll def follow your advice and get the stack you recommended me asap. Thanks man!!

we have all been there some are just lucky to find folks like AR that care about people fuckin themselves up. hang out and enjoy brother you will have some input as well and get the sarms and log it. it will help someone out in the future
Welcome bro. I hope you aren't taking these guys in an offensive way. We really are trying to help you out from some major mistakes. I won't go into it as I agree with all of them here. I will say, starting a strength program like stringlifts 5x5 will allow you to put 20lbs of muscle on naturally. I put that much on with that program in 3-4 months.

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I appreciate it Dylan it's obvious I've gotten pretty shitty info so I'm glad I found you guys!! I'm quite new to enhancements hence my 'dumb' questions lol I'll def follow your advice and get the stack you recommended me asap. Thanks man!!

thats neither her nor there brother... the important thing is that now you wont be subject to any more stupidity and misleading information... trust me, everyone here has nothing but your best interest at heart... you are in the best hands possible, i assure you that...

as far as sarms and ancillaries go there is NOTHING and i mean NOTHING that compares to pure essence... is far and away the highest quality you can find...

Your 155lbs and want to add 20 lean lbs in 6-8wks
And you think Clen and winstrol are going to grow new muscle????
The tough love answer is get ur ass to the gym.. Start a program like Stronglift 5x5
Have a training partner of use a trainer at least once a week to keep your form correct.... See what you achieve after 16 weeks
AAS won't give you what you're looking for right now brother

In his defense. By the time I started using AAS to grow, I had been doing them for years. What I mean by that is that I was a paper thin cyclist. 6' tall at 138lbs. I lifted and lifted after quitting racing and I couldnt break 160lbs. I got back down to 151lbs and decided to run a cycle. In 7 weeks I was 179 lbs and still well under 10% bf. 28lbs in 7 weeks. Sure, it was the easy way but that woul've taken me a year or with my build, possibly never. That said, I wasnt starting from zero either. I had spent a lot of time in the gym before my adventure into size building AAS. Plus, I already knew that I loved pinning regardless of the sport that I was playing. I think that it is unfare to say that hitting the sauce is reserved for guys who are at a certain size or level. I do agree completely with age. Younger guys should not run the stuff. Its not healthy.

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