
Uh Oh! My Exemestane disappeared!


New member
I've searched and searched and I cannot find it. My Aromasin grew legs and I'm 5 weeks into my first test cycle. I was taking 12.5 mgs of Exemestane eod as my AI

Currently running 350 mg test-e/wk, along with 50 mgs of S4 along with GW and SR-9009. I feel like a god.

Once I had accepted that it was gone I bought some more but it probably won't arrive until the end of the week and I'll miss 2-3 doses in the meantime.

Is it smart to take a couple doses of Nolva in the meantime? I'm apparently gyno prone af because at the end of my 2nd week I had some frightening early signs such as insane nipple sensitivity. In addition to the Aromasin I took 40mgs of nolva for 3 days and the gyno was gone and it's been smooth sailing since then. As you might imagine, this experience was rather frightening and I was pleased with myself with how I handled it. Naturally, the fine members of the board may rip me an asshole about this but I'm ready to receive if necessary.

Back to my question, is it smart/advisable/harmful to use Nolva on-cycle while my Aromasin is in the mail?
You can use Nolva to block the estrogen from binding to tissue until you have your Aromasin. Just keep in mind that Nolva does not lower estrogen. It only blocks it, so your estrogen may be elevated a bit by the time you get your Aromasin. I would do about a week of 25mg EOD before going back to 12.5mg EOD
You can use Nolva to block the estrogen from binding to tissue until you have your Aromasin. Just keep in mind that Nolva does not lower estrogen. It only blocks it, so your estrogen may be elevated a bit by the time you get your Aromasin. I would do about a week of 25mg EOD before going back to 12.5mg EOD
rick covered it for you here... nolva is better than nothing so yes, go ahead and run it for now until aromasin gets to you...
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