Did my pre blood work....
Only got one panel on
Reproductive and Gonadal:
Results Range units....
15.6 8.4-28.8 nmol/L
No very detailed...guessing this is free test?
If correct , still don't beed Trt...
Everything else was good... .
my creatinine was flagged Hi
122 67-117 Thinking no biggie few points.... can easily lower my creatine intake...
Dylan ur the blood work guru
Only got one panel on
Reproductive and Gonadal:
Results Range units....
15.6 8.4-28.8 nmol/L
No very detailed...guessing this is free test?
If correct , still don't beed Trt...
Everything else was good... .
my creatinine was flagged Hi
122 67-117 Thinking no biggie few points.... can easily lower my creatine intake...
Dylan ur the blood work guru