



Looking to get some feedback on what some of you fellas are doing for a tan. Are guys still using the tanning bed? I used to years ago but after my sister got cancer I stopped completely. I've done the spray tan thing a few times and it never gives a good color. The tan lotion never really gives a nice color either so just interested to see what some of you guys are doing or if there are certain solutions that work better than others. (No I'm not gay)
I used melatonin ll peptide and got darker than ever and I'm Scottish Irish Dutch Welsh bloodline

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I tan regularly about 3 days per week. The cancer risk is just like anything. Do things in moderation and not excess to significantly reduce risks

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Not sure I agree with that, some beds emit significantly more UVA(3-5x) than the sun. UVA is now considered the cancer problem more than UVB. Now you're typically only in a bed for a short time compared to sun, but I honestly don't believe it's safer. NCI studies suggests a 50% in basal cell cancer and 100% increase in squamous by using a tanning bed.

Having said that I still use it lol.

I only say that based on the fact that tanning beds are in a controlled form as sunlight is not, both of course carry risk
Yes both carry risks...but tanning bed is worse. Emmiting 75 percent more uva rays than the sun. Increasing chances 30 percent for ppl under 30. More for people over...just Google it
I agree that you can control things easier. You can control when, how often, what you wear when you go outside to some degree too though. If we were to equate amount of tan gained vs risk, I don't think it's safer. I don't have specific numbers to back that up, it's just a general hunch from everything I've read. I use the sun during the summer; winter I have to use beds since I live in Maine lol.

It's one of those both are risky so which would you pick ? I guess I pick a controlled environment
They can emit 10x more UVA than the sun.

But how much they emit I'm not necessarily convinced is worse. It means less time under that radiation to get the same tan with less UVA. It could be as simple as UVA strength x time = risk of skin cancer, as well as UVA strength x time = quality of tan. If that's the case it literally doesn't matter if you use a tanning bed or the sun.

There u go with that math..gtho here with that evil math lol
U guys use any good bronzers for like competition? Or know of any good brands?

it varies from cheap to expensive, i usually just go with austrailian gold or european gold theyre cheap and work u can get them at walmart some of the same ones carried at the tan salon for 1/3 the cost. As far as for competition i am not sure, possibly the more expensive brands may work better. Shit last time i went they tried to sell me a bottle of lotion for $150 i was like fuck no !
U guys use any good bronzers for like competition? Or know of any good brands?

Competition tans are much different than regular browsers. Competition tan is DARK, like unreal dark because under the lights it will lighten you up big time. The two big ones are dream tan and protan. I prefer protan because it comes with a sprayer that is pretty easy to use. It's just messy.

My avatar picture is taken at home a day before competition with like 3 coats of protan
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