
sarms Yk 11


New member
Hi Dylan. I was wondering whether you can run a cycle of yk11 solo/not with any other sarms. Or does it need to be stacked to see results? Thank you. All the best.
i dont recommend yk11 use to anyone... there are little to no studies on it and you really dont even know what you are actually getting... you would have to be on your own in terms of advice from me on that
I purchased it from enhanced athlete which is the most reliable brand which I can obtain here in Australia as customs are cracking down on sarms important from overseas, from what I’ve heard 9 out of 10 sarms importanted from overseas are being seized. Lucky there’s an Australia website which has some old stock of enhanced athlete which I could obtain. However, all other sarms from them are sold out so I can’t stack it with anything except ostarine. If anyone has done a yk11 solo stack any advice would be truly appreciated. And thanks to Dylan for helping me out here. What a bloody ledgend! with all he’s responsibilities he has he managed to get back to me and give some advice. Many thanks to you Dylan
Mate i'm from Australia and have first hand accounts with YK11 . I ran it solely as a third cycle . I can tell you now it will suppress you pretty hard , it certainly gave my liver abit of a hard time (blood tests confirmed this) and I was running 2 supports with it . Did I put on some mass-yes, did I get stronger -yes but personally ive looked and felt better just running RAD140 . My opinion is don't run it there are several tried and tested sarms out there and stay the fuck away from enhanced athlete .
I purchased it from enhanced athlete which is the most reliable brand which I can obtain here in Australia as customs are cracking down on sarms important from overseas, from what I’ve heard 9 out of 10 sarms importanted from overseas are being seized. Lucky there’s an Australia website which has some old stock of enhanced athlete which I could obtain. However, all other sarms from them are sold out so I can’t stack it with anything except ostarine. If anyone has done a yk11 solo stack any advice would be truly appreciated. And thanks to Dylan for helping me out here. What a bloody ledgend! with all he’s responsibilities he has he managed to get back to me and give some advice. Many thanks to you Dylan
no problem bro
I purchased it from enhanced athlete which is the most reliable brand which I can obtain here in Australia as customs are cracking down on sarms important from overseas, from what I’ve heard 9 out of 10 sarms importanted from overseas are being seized. Lucky there’s an Australia website which has some old stock of enhanced athlete which I could obtain. However, all other sarms from them are sold out so I can’t stack it with anything except ostarine. If anyone has done a yk11 solo stack any advice would be truly appreciated. And thanks to Dylan for helping me out here. What a bloody ledgend! with all he’s responsibilities he has he managed to get back to me and give some advice. Many thanks to you Dylan

Thanks for your advice champ. I wish I could of purchased from isarms but there Australian website is down. From my research the next best brand was enhanced athlete, also all there rad 140 and ldg 4033 where sold out and I could only get yk 11 and ostarine. As it’s only my second cycle I was thinking of running yk11 at a low dose of 5 mg per day and ostarine at 15 mg per day and I’m doing a 8 month cycle of mk 677 as well. Is this too lower dose of each 3 to achieve good results? I don’t have much $ so I want to make what I do have last a while. I’ll be taking a quality liver support Supp, do you have any brands you’d recommend? Drinking lots of water, I always eat healthy, obviously not drinking alcohol and I’m going to have a 10 week break between cycles to give my liver time to recover. I really wish I could have purchased from isarms as everyone says there amazing so hopefully they ship to Australia again soon. Thanks you so much for your help mate. And dylan is such a good bloke for helping me out with all this too. Cheers bros
Mate i'm from Australia and have first hand accounts with YK11 . I ran it solely as a third cycle . I can tell you now it will suppress you pretty hard , it certainly gave my liver abit of a hard time (blood tests confirmed this) and I was running 2 supports with it . Did I put on some mass-yes, did I get stronger -yes but personally ive looked and felt better just running RAD140 . My opinion is don't run it there are several tried and tested sarms out there and stay the fuck away from enhanced athlete .

I purchased it from enhanced athlete which is the most reliable brand which I can obtain here in Australia as customs are cracking down on sarms important from overseas, from what IÂ’ve heard 9 out of 10 sarms importanted from overseas are being seized. Lucky thereÂ’s an Australia website which has some old stock of enhanced athlete which I could obtain. However, all other sarms from them are sold out so I canÂ’t stack it with anything except ostarine. If anyone has done a yk11 solo stack any advice would be truly appreciated. And thanks to Dylan for helping me out here. What a bloody ledgend! with all heÂ’s responsibilities he has he managed to get back to me and give some advice. Many thanks to you Dylan

Thanks for your advice champ. I wish I could of purchased from isarms but there Australian website is down. From my research the next best brand was enhanced athlete, also all there rad 140 and ldg 4033 where sold out and I could only get yk 11 and ostarine. As it’s only my second cycle I was thinking of running yk11 at a low dose of 5 mg per day and ostarine at 15 mg per day and I’m doing a 8 month cycle of mk 677 as well. Is this too lower dose of each 3 to achieve good results? I don’t have much $ so I want to make what I do have last a while. I’ll be taking a quality liver support Supp, do you have any brands you’d recommend? Drinking lots of water, I always eat healthy, obviously not drinking alcohol and I’m going to have a 10 week break between cycles to give my liver time to recover. I really wish I could have purchased from isarms as everyone says there amazing so hopefully they ship to Australia again soon. Thanks you so much for your help mate. And dylan is such a good bloke for helping me out with all this too. Cheers bros
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