
sarms video


New member
Hey Dylan,

I got done watching your iSARMs YouTube video “Comparing LGD-4033 and MK-2866” and I had a question about Ostarine and thought this was the best way to reach you.

My goal is to recomp my body, so keep a lean figure but shed fat. I’m currently 23, male, 216lb, with around 21-24% body fat (can’t remember exactly) and I’d like to maybe take it down to at least 18-21%. I’ve been doing anaerobic resistance training consistently for a little over 1 year now and I’ve managed to put on 14lb of muscle the past 10-12 months.

Anyways, my question for you is what sort of diet plan is recommended when taking Ostarine? Obviously I can’t expect to lose body fat by eating the same way I have been but I’ve never really counted my calories before so I'm not 100% sure what my daily caloric intake is right now. Should I reduce my carb intake? Add more protein?

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you do, any feedback is much appreciated friend!
well, you cannot expect to lose weight if you dont keep track of calories so how can i advise you anything if you dont even know what you are eating now... my advice, download myfitness pal on your phone or ipad and plug in everything you are eating now so you have a base... figure out your maintenance calories per day from that and then go from there...
Myfitness pal app is great...!! Counting calories and doing 30 minutes of cardio 4 times per week + working has helped me to shed about 25 lbs.
Hey Dylan,

I got done watching your iSARMs YouTube video “Comparing LGD-4033 and MK-2866” and I had a question about Ostarine and thought this was the best way to reach you.

My goal is to recomp my body, so keep a lean figure but shed fat. I’m currently 23, male, 216lb, with around 21-24% body fat (can’t remember exactly) and I’d like to maybe take it down to at least 18-21%. I’ve been doing anaerobic resistance training consistently for a little over 1 year now and I’ve managed to put on 14lb of muscle the past 10-12 months.

Anyways, my question for you is what sort of diet plan is recommended when taking Ostarine? Obviously I can’t expect to lose body fat by eating the same way I have been but I’ve never really counted my calories before so I'm not 100% sure what my daily caloric intake is right now. Should I reduce my carb intake? Add more protein?

Thanks for taking the time to read this if you do, any feedback is much appreciated friend!

Please take time and read my diet and nutrition thread. It has all of the info you need bro
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