So today is my last day of my 12 wk cycle.
I hit legs today and totally destroyed know when the mk wears off I will start feeling the DOMS full force so I wanted I good one in, before I have to deal with them
I should be getting my period again but my body has been fighting it for about 5 days now..I had spotting, so I think it's coming then it goes away completely, then again.
Still haven't fully gotten it. We will see now after not taking the mk. every other month I got it no problem. I did go up for the last 2wks to just under 25ml.
All my lifts went up
Deadlift 135lbs for 8 - 205lbs for 6
rack pulls 155lbs for 8 - 225lbs for 6
sumo deadlifts 115lbs for 8 - 205lbs for 6
hip thrust 155 lbs for 12 - 205 lbs for 10
leg presses 360lbs for 12 - 450lbs for 12
squats 135lbs for 6 - 165lbs for 10
bench 95 lbs for 12 - 125lbs for 12 - I didn't do as many with the bar because I have issues with my right shoulder so I stick to using dumbbells more often less issues with those I went from 35lbs flat - 45lbs for 8 - no spotter
arm curls 20lbs for 12 - 25lbs for 12
and all the others triceps, any back exercises - everything is up.
acne seems to be a bit better after stopping the S4
I will take pictures this weekend to compare to my before shots, also I forgot to weight myself today so I will next time I am at the gym I don't keep a scale at home.
Overall super happy and impress with this cycle!..and for sure this stuff works well, but they are not magic liquids you need to eat right and workout hard to see maximum results.
I am also interested to see how my body will adjust been of this stuff now.