
Recomp Diet

So we know that the goal of a recomp diet is to gain muscle and lose fat which is extremely difficult. You have to know you're body very well and and I wouldn't recommend this type of approach to a novice dieter. Rookie's should aim for more of the cut and bulk approach until they figure out how their bodies respond to food and cardio. My question is how do some of you advance dieters set up your recomp diets? Its different for everyone but I just wanted some ideas and opinions? What do y'all do with carbs, cardio, fats, and do you use the scale to adjust your calories?
CobraMuscle said:
So we know that the goal of a recomp diet is to gain muscle and lose fat which is extremely difficult. You have to know you're body very well and and I wouldn't recommend this type of approach to a novice dieter. Rookie's should aim for more of the cut and bulk approach until they figure out how their bodies respond to food and cardio. My question is how do some of you advance dieters set up your recomp diets? Its different for everyone but I just wanted some ideas and opinions? What do y'all do with carbs, cardio, fats, and do you use the scale to adjust your calories?

There are a number of ways to recomp, and what works well for one may not work well for another. Here is my strategy that I currently am doing

Workout days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Calories are about 500-1000 over maintenance. Carbs are higher and the last meal of the day is a cheat meal. Usually I'm at around 400g carbs, 300g protein, and 100g fat for the day

Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday are cardio days only. Calories on these days are at a 500 defecit. Protein is still at 300g, carbs at around 200g, and fats are at less than 50g per day. I also do 30-45 minutes of cardio creating another 400-600 calorie defecit

This method has allowed me to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, but obviously both areas are slower than if I concentrated on one goal only.
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