
Question about sarms


New member
Hey brother, how are you?
I was watching a video of yours and i heard you saying that gw501516 (cardarine) has zero side effects, now that caught my attention and had me go research it
From what the studies state i gathered that it basically has none at all no vision issues no suppression, nothing which is as good as it gets but the main advantage stated is fat burn with lil to no mention of muscle growth, so my question is being that you're very knowledgeable about this would there be any anabolic effects at all ?like a pound or maybe 2?or is it plain fat burn?

Another question is being that i liked the fact that it has 0 side effects at all are there any mildly anabolic sarms that are as side effect free as this product? Like 0 side effects

See im about 194 and about 6/7 percent body fat year round with naturally very high testosterone levels I'm also a former boxer , last test i did my total test was 878 ,never done test boosters or hormones or anything so i have no interest in massive growth or any side effects at all ,i don't have issues building size or gaining strength ,if i can get a sarm that's side effect free and mildly anabolic I'd try it and if there isn't any at all I'd try cardarine

What's your advice?thank you for your time
gw has an anti catabolic effect so it wont burn muscle while cutting fat which is a huge plus but its not going to add size either... mk2866 has the lowest amount of sides in terms of sarms but it has mild suppression... but there are no sarms completely side effect free that will build muscle but most have minimal sides... mk677 has NO SUPPRESSION and very minimal side effects... its very similar to hgh.. the two things it can cause are water retention initially but that can be combatted by simple taking in enough protein and not taking in too much sodium and it can cause a large increase in hunger the first 3-4 weeks you use it... other than that, it can cause possible lethargy but that does not last long either...

if not, then just go with gw... here is the link for the best gw you can find...

keep in mind that mk677 needs to be ran for a minimum of 6 months continuously without cycling off… also, 677 is faked everywhere due to the extremely high cost of production… has pure mk677… the very best you can find…
GW doesn't directly impact muscle growth though it does help partition nutrients which helps anabolism.

If you are looking for something to help growth with minimal suppression, mk2866 is a great choice

Mk677 has no suppression and is great for body composition but needs ran long term to get the right benefits from it
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