
POPS before workout


Senior Member
Is it ok to eat pops, trix, etc. Before a workout for carbs? That plus milk also gives me some protein.
Theyre simple carbs, so that's what I'm concerned about.. Kids cereals...
Is it ok to eat pops, trix, etc. Before a workout for carbs? That plus milk also gives me some protein.
Theyre simple carbs, so that's what I'm concerned about.. Kids cereals...
Well, I'm a big advocate of IIFYM, so if it fits your macros you can technically do that but one thing you need to remember is you are missing micronutrients with those choices and they aren't the healthiest. Simple carbs preworkout is bro science as it is. I have oats preworkout myself which is a great choice
You're on the right track. I eat a protein / starch meal about an hour before training. After getting to the gym and stretching/warming up I eat simple sugars, then train. The simple sugar pupms the nutrients into the muscle.

Veins are poppin' too.... The old guy looks vascular.
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good stuff. Im about to sign up for Layne Norton's, Avatar Nutrition. Ill solidify the diet finally
I eat the multi grain cheerios, ingredients arent bad, low sugar, and 2% milk, or soy milk(I prefer 2% myself)
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