
Our friends at evo at it again...

exactly man, not only is a good business one that has good ethics BUT it is being good people individually that makes a good business. if you have crappy employees who lie and do other messed up stuff they cannot be trusted and as you know it is written, a house divided against itself cannot stand. i would rather obey GOD then men

that's not well said, thats PERFECTLY said... much respect to you on that...
exactly man, not only is a good business one that has good ethics BUT it is being good people individually that makes a good business. if you have crappy employees who lie and do other messed up stuff they cannot be trusted and as you know it is written, a house divided against itself cannot stand. i would rather obey GOD then men

alot of time this starts with n2scam/sarms1/ag. right from the start managment is teaching its employees the right way to do things is scam , lie and push products with faise advertising.And the weak minded fall for it.
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