
Oral SARMS vVideo

so so much wrong with this guys "logic"...he draws conclusions out of thin air...
the patent lists it as a white power... ie white power is the best way to use it..he totally disregards bio-availability issues and delivery systems
using this logic HGH which is patented as a white powder would be taken as a capusle...LOL

1. sure the patent on a new chemical compound is always a powder
2. That doesn't have any bearing on how the compound was administered in trials...such as injections, mixed in a carrier liquid or mixed with food
3. The patent applications he refers to does not address bio-availability... a patent is only for a compound in it's basic form and is to protect from others manufacturing the compound
4. Delivery of the compound is a whole and separate issue
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I came across this tonight and I am sure it will get people worked up. He specifically mentions Dylan so I thought I would share lol.

This guy is full blown retard. We have seen this video some time back, and it's old news. He's just feeding his own agenda with his crap products, and you can tell by the way this hair lipped half breed talks, that he has no idea what he's talking about and talks out of his ass. Nuff said...
lollll i wont get into it... me and him made amends to a point... he came to me on facebook and thats all the further i will get into it but he had some things i clearly disagree with but he changed his attitude on things a bit... regardless... im not one to hold a grudge etc... i always believe in giving everyone a chance... ive made a million mistakes and many never gave me another chance but many did as well and i always remember that... not to mention, as God teaches, if you expect to be forgiven, you must forgive first... so while i have said things in the past and dont agree with anything said, its all old and in the past... so i dont get concerned... just remember, there's always a motive... sometimes the motive is terrible and sometimes its really good... you just have to use your best judgement on what is what as well as utilizing the facts...
I said it once before on here and I'll say it again....and again if need be...
I thought the dude was mentally challenged when I saw one of his videos..
lollll i wont get into it... me and him made amends to a point... he came to me on facebook and thats all the further i will get into it but he had some things i clearly disagree with but he changed his attitude on things a bit... regardless... im not one to hold a grudge etc... i always believe in giving everyone a chance... ive made a million mistakes and many never gave me another chance but many did as well and i always remember that... not to mention, as God teaches, if you expect to be forgiven, you must forgive first... so while i have said things in the past and dont agree with anything said, its all old and in the past... so i dont get concerned... just remember, there's always a motive... sometimes the motive is terrible and sometimes its really good... you just have to use your best judgement on what is what as well as utilizing the facts...
Well said Dylan

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Well said Dylan

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

thanks brother, i appreciate it... you know how it is.. there's no point to carry things on over and over if things can be mended in any way... sometimes they just cannot and thats how it is but i try to hear everyone out
Stuff likes this cracks me up. Before I discovered Sarmsx I had used some capsule SARMS from Xcel Sports Nutrition, and I saw ZERO results. As compared to the LGD, S4 and GW I used from SARMSX, where I saw great strength and lean mass increases along with an increase in endurance. It's all a marketing scheme honestly. You just need to right resources...Obviously I am in the right place. Haven't been let down from you guys yet.
Stuff likes this cracks me up. Before I discovered Sarmsx I had used some capsule SARMS from Xcel Sports Nutrition, and I saw ZERO results. As compared to the LGD, S4 and GW I used from SARMSX, where I saw great strength and lean mass increases along with an increase in endurance. It's all a marketing scheme honestly. You just need to right resources...Obviously I am in the right place. Haven't been let down from you guys yet.

im so happy to hear you see that and feel that way... you will always get the best and most honest info on a daily basis... if something is bomb, you will know, if something flat out sucks, you will know etc... we pride ourselves on the very best info you can find and it will always be that way brother... im always here to help if you need me
im so happy to hear you see that and feel that way... you will always get the best and most honest info on a daily basis... if something is bomb, you will know, if something flat out sucks, you will know etc... we pride ourselves on the very best info you can find and it will always be that way brother... im always here to help if you need me

Damn right...
I said it once before on here and I'll say it again....and again if need be...
I thought the dude was mentally challenged when I saw one of his videos..

Seriously... I actually think he needs to be in a padded room, this dude is psychotic. guys have it all wrong

it's Woody Harrelson....he's doing a spoof for Saturday Night Live :)
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