
Nolvadex pct


New member
I’m about to finish a cycle of lgd-4033 10mg/ed and got some Nolvadex on hand. Wondering if it’s okay to do an pct with only Nolvadex and the Dylan PCT. If so, what dosage should I use?
you should have started the post CT at week 9-12 but i guess it's ok even now? not sure though. The dosage for nolvadex is 40/20/20/20 which means 40 mg/day the first week followed by 20 mg/day the next 3 weeks
Planning on ordering some GW for pct as well but just wondering if Nolvadex is fine or if I should order clomid also
Typically the choice between nolva and clomid comes down to preference and how your own body chemistry reacts. Some get emotional on clomid and others don't. I myself like to use a combination of both but you should be fine using either assuming you are dosing appropriately.
40/20/20/20 is plenty with just sarms... you only need one serm for a sarms pct.. so whichever you prefer is fine
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