
Limp on NPP

I would not go over 300mg and would keep both test and NPP the same. Sides would be minimal and if they occurred you could put them in check quickly. I truly believe less is more. These are strong compounds. I've upped my test to 500mg/wk for a blast. For me it was not worth the extra sides for the minimal gains. Around 300-350 mg test is just a sweet spot and so easy to control sides. This is just my experience. Some dudes would laugh at these doses. It really is all about taking the time for blood work and making evaluations based on hormone levels. Checks and balances brother. So many guys do not monitor blood. If you fail to do blood work and get sides it's too late and takes time to correct. During the time you are trying to get hormone levels straightend out, gains slow or stop and you deal with low sex drive, old limpy dick and a bunch of other preventable problems. I like to be in control of this shit at all times.

Hey man I ment to reply to your post but accidentlybreplied to a similar low dose post. I really am interested in your opinion. Would you take a look at my previous post on my cycle thus far.
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