


I am now coming off my cycle I decided only to do for 8 weeks (lets just ignore the effectiveness of such length). I started my HCG week 6 and have now began PCT week 10 (the one you guys copy and paste to new comers).

I front loaded 800mg week 1 and then weeks 2-8 I took 400mg/week.

I had no libido issues on my previous cycles and I felt 8 weeks I should definitely not have any issues. My strength is great, body composition is good, and Im in a good mood.

In the past 7 days (the week i began pct) I have had two times where I couldn't stay hard.

The first time was when she accidentally mentioned her boyfriend during sex. Now this second time it happen for no reason.

Do I need to continue HCG? I had started 1000ius twice a week week 6 through week 10.

Your body is trying to achieve homeostasis. Just give it time and let it. While hormones are balancing out there can be bumps in the road. The last thing you want is hcg while in pct and recovering
Thank you RickRock. I wanted to just put it out there before making an irrational decision.

I also believe because it happen the first time, I am now much more anxious and it is causing me to lose it sooner if at all.
Thank you RickRock. I wanted to just put it out there before making an irrational decision.

I also believe because it happen the first time, I am now much more anxious and it is causing me to lose it sooner if at all.
Yep. You're exactly right. A lot of times it's just mental. If you're anxious, shit won't work right. We can be our own worst enemy
Ya it can def be a mental situation to. Now that it happened it might be in your head that’s it’s going to happen again
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