
LGD-3303 (Megabolic) Facts Explained!


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LGD-3303 SARM Overview – What To Expect + LGD-4033 Comparisons​

LGD-3303 is now considered to be one of the best SARMs of all for sheer mass and strength gains.
It is still rather new on the scene, so there are not an abundance of logs and user experiences out there detailing personal experiences with this SARM as opposed to other sarms; so much of the information we gather about this compound has to be confirmed via future testing and personal research.

What Is LGD-3303?​

LGD-3303 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed to prevent muscle wasting, treat Osteoporosis, greatly enhance lean muscle growth potential and help older individuals maintain strength and lean tissue.
It is non-steroidal, and is ingested orally. It binds to the androgen receptor with an extremely high affinity and selectivity, and once it does this it exerts exceptional anabolic effects in muscle and bone, equating to a large increase in muscle size and strength.
On the androgenic side of things, LGD-3303 is a full agonist on muscle and a partial agonist on the prostate.

LGD-3303 shares a very similar chemical structure to LGD-4033, which is a far more “mainstream” and popular SARM, generally known for its mass and strength building properties relative to the other most commonly used SARMs.

What Can You Expect From LGD-3303?​

LGD-3303 is going to be at the top of the list with the other most potent SARMs in terms of size and strength gains.
It is known for providing a noticeable muscular fullness despite being a dry compound.
Whether this fullness is achieved via greatly increased nitrogen retention or its’ nutrient partitioning effects, that is unknown, but typically dry compounds don’t give the muscle that “pop” that wetter compounds can due to the intramuscular water retention they provide.
This is one way that LGD-3303 shines, as it can give a very apparent quick boost in size, followed by an appreciable amount of dry mass gains in the weeks to follow without the blurring muscle definition at all.
The strength gains from LGD-3303 are excellent as well.
What you can expect from LGD-3303 is a fairly substantial boost in lean, dry mass gains, with a considerable increase in strength and muscular endurance.

How To Dose LGD-3303?​

The half life of LGD-3303 is about 6 hours.

Dosing LGD-3303 2-3 times per day (in the morning, midday, and again at night) would be ideal to maintain stable serum concentrations.
In the clinical studies, a dose of 1 mg per kilogram (research subjects’ body weight) was a sufficient dose to completely replace the anabolic support provided by natural testosterone production in terms of muscle growth.
This would equate to a dosage of roughly 11 mg in humans.
The consensus on LGD-3303 typically is that substantial results can be expected at doses of about 10mg or higher, and the sweet spot may be closer to the 20mg range.
High levels of suppression are expected even on “moderate” dosages of LGD-3303, and most individuals have reported better results from dosages closer to the 20mg side of the spectrum.
It does not seem to matter if the research subject is on an empty stomach or not during the administration of LGD-3303.

Side Effects and PCT​

LGD-3303 is very suppressive, so testosterone suppression is present when cycling.
Keep in mind, this is an individually dependent thing, as some individuals actually note an increased libido while being borderline shutdown on certain SARMs, and this is because the SARM is replacing that physiological function in the body in the absence of adequate Testosterone production.
One study actually suggests that LGD-3303 in particular exerts a blatant prosexual effect, meaning it can actually increase libido above baseline (what the sex drive was pre-cycle).
As you will be borderline shutdown on LGD-3303, a full PCT (not a standard sarms mini PCT) would be required.
As of now, there aren’t many anecdotal logs or clinical studies to draw from in terms of assessing other potential side effects, so aside from the standard SARM related side effects (endocrine suppression) there are no side effects we are aware of that are entirely unique to LGD-3303.

Do I Need To Use An Aromatase Inhibitor With LGD-3303?​

As SARMs bind very tightly to the androgen receptor, this can create a scenario where Testosterone may be diverted more towards DHT and Estrogen conversion, as there are less vacant androgen receptors for it to attach to.
The net result of this could be an increase in Estrogen levels; which is why there are certain cases of individuals experiencing gyno and other Estrogen related symptoms cropping up on SARM only cycles.
SARMS in general DO NOT convert to estrogen however there are always exceptions to the rule, which is why regardless of estrogen conversion or not, one should always have an aromatase inhibitor on hand.

What Scenario Is Best To Use LGD-3303 In? Bulking/Cutting/Recomposition?​

LGD-3303 works in EVERY scenario as it has a strong ability to build mass relative to other SARMs in a calorie surplus, as well as retain lean tissue in a calorie deficit.
As it is extremely versatile, it can be utilized in a cut, bulk, or a recomposition phase with great success.

LGD-4033 Vs LGD-3303​

As far as a mg:mg comparison, it is tough to say whether or not LGD-3303 is any more potent than LGD-4033 at the moment, despite many individuals assuming that LGD-3303 is more potent.
This may not be the case though, as most LGD-3303 logs either utilize an equivalent dosage as the standard LGD-4033 cycle, or actually use a higher dosage of LGD-3303 pushing upwards of 20 mg per day.
Unlike LGD-4033, LGD-3303 is typically regarded as a dry compound; hence there is a far greater likelihood that it will not blur muscle definition in a cut phase.
The reason dry compounds are ideal in a cut phase is that once you have stripped off your excess fat, compounds that have a tendency to retain subcutaneous water can hide your muscle definition, which is the opposite of what we are trying to accomplish during a cut phase.
LGD-3303 is not only strong enough to retain your hard earned muscle in a calorie deficit, but it will not hinder the cosmetic appearance of your physique in any way as it will not cause water retention.
This makes it a potentially ideal cutting compound.
It could be argued that in a bulk phase that LGD-4033 may be a better alternative as it may provide beneficial joint fluid that will decrease the risk of injury as strength levels climb, but which is the ideal choice will ultimately be determined by the researcher.
In the context of a bulk phase, if one is willing to deal with total shutdown vs suppression, and if one would like to avoid water retention during their mass gaining phase or not are two of the main factors that should be considered when deciding between which compound would be best in that researcher’s protocol.

Where to buy??

For the best quality SARMS, including LGD-3303, there are two sources that I can recommend with full confidence.

Umbrella Labs is an well known industry, featuring an array of top quality sarms and peptides. They would be at the top of the list for recommended suppliers.

Sarms4sale is another known top quality provider that is also A+ rated and highly recommended!

bros good explanation on this hardcore megabolic GENIUS name
For LGD-3033 ,, what PCT do you recommend? I have been trying different testosterone boost after LGD 4033
1. a test booster is not enough for any sarm for pct
2. ive stated countless times that a FULL pct is needed with s23 and lgd3303... yk11 is up in the air depending on the individual but generally a mini pct is enough with and then the others just require a mini...

Clomid 50/25/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
Dylan has you covered on this! For the best quality make sure to check out either Umbrella Labs or Sarms4Sale!
Want this for next cycle. What would a cycle dosage look like? Not on TEST base or TRT. Anything to take to reduce suppression? N2Generate?
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