

I just heard about keto the other day, I work on a farm and sell fruit. I'm around fresh fruit peach trees plum tress cherry trees all day hahaha i could never avoid fruit.

The idea of keto is to Intake zero carbs correct? Sugar would be a carb..and the idea is to get the body to use fat instead of carbs or something. I personally don't think it's a good idea to not eat fruit. Everyone should eat fruit, it is a staple of a healthy diet but not in excess
Keto works. It works really well- IF you're truely in ketosis. Simple as that. But if you're honest with yourself and what you eat you will quickly see just how easy it is to overshoot that <30g of carbs requirement. Don't forget certain veggies such as onions hold some natural sugar, same as fruit, and will take you out of keto quick.

I believe in no leeway or exceptions when following a true keto diet. Eat a little too much protein or some natural sugars, as stated above, and you're now doing low carb dieting. Really inefficient low carb dieting at that.

If you want to follow a keto diet and drop weight quick, bite the bullet and say goodbye to those tasty carbs for a few weeks. Most people do keto with a goal in mind and don't plan to eat this way for the rest of their lives. A few weeks will be here quicker than you thought and once you see just how quick you start to drop fat, assuming everything else is on point, you'll find the motivation and lose the need for fruit and any other sugar source.

What I'm saying is, keto is an all or nothing approach in my experience. Shoot for no carbs period and you'll still end up with trace carbs. Good luck brother! Keto works really freakin' well if done right.
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