
First sarm cycle


New member
Hey guys 19 year old male been lifting since the age of 15

Height 5'10
Weight 172
%10 bodyfat

(Looking to put on a couple lbs to be at 175 before I start)
I've taken pro hormones in the past... Yes I know stupid of me and very ignorant but I'm looking to put on some size and also be shredded aiming for a 8% body fat and want to be at 185 I have 3 months before a music festival and I want to look like a sculpted Greek god I was just wondering what would be the best sarm stacks to take? I'm aiming for a 8-12 week cycle ( I don't want to be mid cycle or on pct when I'm partying at the festival) would appreciate the response!
Okay I already eat big and train hard that's why I want to optimize my gains with a sarm cycle
Okay I already eat big and train hard that's why I want to optimize my gains with a sarm cycle
bro you are 19 years old.. you have not even come close to getting near anything you can on your own... we cant advise you to use anything but non suppressive sarms right now which would be GW501516, SR9009 and MK677... other than that you need to wait a year or two before you use any other sarms..
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