
Doctors are useless


New member
I just went to an endo regarding my self prescribed TRT use. I had already discussed with my PCP several times about my usage.

He would not give me bloodwork, told me to just cold turkey and that there’s no reason I should not recover. Basically called me a criminal for purchasing non-prescribed meds. Said he would be encouraging my criminal behavior by monitoring my bloodwork.

I could not believe it. I was livid and just walked out. Regardless of me doing something that is non-prescribed, you’re going to not monitor and make sure I’m healthy? Fuck the U.S. healthcare system. And the fact that they told me to just stop and I won’t have any side effects and that there is no reason I should not recover? Are you kidding me?

I live in a state where I can not purchase bloodwork without a dr’s order otherwise I’d just do it myself. I’m going to have to try different dr’s I guess. Honestly the steroid community has more informed medical knowledge than actual dr’s do.

You'll most likely have to come off for a while see a doctor and get blood work done while your testosterone is low and you're feeling like shit.

There's ways around it like running Trestolone at a low dosage while you're not on Testosterone so you'll feel a little better and it won't impact your blood work.
Wow that really stinks man..sorry. If you can't find a doc that will help you may want to try a TRT clinic, it seems they would be more helpful as far as getting blood work done. Sounds like that doc was on the state board with his views... smh
Damn that's weird , never knew you need a doctor's prescription to get a blood test in the USA.
I can test it anywhere I want in Europe.
doctors like this are just hit and miss and often times you have to look over and over to find anyone worth a damn man
A) tele clinic
B) come off, go to the doc describing symptoms, get blood tested, go on T. Don’t talk about self-prescribed.
C) same as B but add in Trestolone at 1/4 your TRT dose.
I’ve been just doing the online TRT doc thing to get bloodwork and the script and just use Robolics Test Cyp or E instead of purchasing their program. Keeps me covered with the prescription for work and I get my bloods looked over aswell
Unfortunately that's the way it goes for a lot if them. That's a big reason why I havent got a legal script yet. Tanking my test levels and feeling like shit just to get legal and pay more for test doesnt entice me right now
I’ve been just doing the online TRT doc thing to get bloodwork and the script and just use Robolics Test Cyp or E instead of purchasing their program. Keeps me covered with the prescription for work and I get my bloods looked over aswell

UGL sources here provide higher quality than most pharmaceutical versions. At least, I feel a lot better on them.
Unfortunately that's the way it goes for a lot if them. That's a big reason why I havent got a legal script yet. Tanking my test levels and feeling like shit just to get legal and pay more for test doesnt entice me right now

I like the flexibility of having a personal supply. If work is stressful, a slightly higher dose makes me more resistant to the effects of stress. If I’m traveling, I don’t need to worry about losing a vial like I did once and had to basically plead to get prescribed another vial to survive on till I was next due for one. Insurance wouldn’t cover it though because I had exceeded my coverage period allowance.
I like the flexibility of having a personal supply. If work is stressful, a slightly higher dose makes me more resistant to the effects of stress. If I’m traveling, I don’t need to worry about losing a vial like I did once and had to basically plead to get prescribed another vial to survive on till I was next due for one. Insurance wouldn’t cover it though because I had exceeded my coverage period allowance.
I agree. The flexibility is a nice benefit. I decide when my dosage needs changed and what it needs to be. Not them. I'm also not governed on when I can blast or not depending on their scheduled bloodwork. If you know what you're doing, theres a lot of reasons its ideal to take care of it yourself
That's a bad doctor you have, just change it.
Your doctor should talk and recommend you best on what he can help you at the moment, not freaking criticize you for what you have done.
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