
Did steroids at 18, got damaged, anything I can do about it now?


New member
When I was 18 I made the mistake of using anabolics, got talked into by friends at the time and also used two prohormones when I was 17. At 17, I took Methylstenbolone and then I took Epistane. I was about to turn 18 when I got on the Test E/Dbol. I ran the test e 500mg/week for like 5 weeks (did dbol weeks 1-2 and gyno showed up so I dropped the dbol early) before I started feeling the shutdown and decided I need to end the cycle and quit messing around with gear at that age. In each cycle my pct included 4 weeks of Nolvadex (40mg day weeks 1-2, 20mg day weeks 3-4), a natty test booster, and Finaflex pct revolution black. I ran ar-r Liquidex with the test and dbol but I still got a noticable bit of gyno.
It took me a long time to recover from the end of test cycle to the point that i'm at now at now. age 19 turning 20 in november. I stopped the test and I experienced continued recovery for a year then I have been pretty consistent where I'm at for like the last 6 months. I still have libido but its weaker than before. My testes are about 80% of their original size. I had bloodwork done like 5 months ago and my doc said my free test is in range for my age, but I heard somewhere that theres no way to tell if they are unless my bloods were checked before I started cycling.
I am coming for advice to see if theres anything I should be doing or can possibly do to help out with the consequences of the mistakes I made. In hindsight, my pct should've been stronger. Should I run clomid and nolva together to see if it can help? Aside from surgery, is there anything I can do about the gyno at this point?
If anybody has any recommendations for me, please let me know. I'm humbly accepting any advice.
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Can you post your bloodwork bud? That would help a ton for us to be able to see your levels. For now, it's good you realize the mistake and that you should stay away from aas.
Can you post your bloodwork bud? That would help a ton for us to be able to see your levels. For now, it's good you realize the mistake and that you should stay away from aas.

I'll see my doctor and get the bloodwork from him and post it soon as i get it. I dont have it on hand at the moment
I got good results from runing letrozole, im on week 6 now and my gyno has shrunk about 75%
I got good results from runing letrozole, im on week 6 now and my gyno has shrunk about 75%

Are you on anything along with the letro? I've considered running it but not sure how I should use it because I'm completely off of everything now
Right now it's too hard to tell you exactly how to combat your issues, when we don't know where the problem is. That's why we need to see the bloodwork, so we know exactly what to address.
Are you on anything along with the letro? I've considered running it but not sure how I should use it because I'm completely off of everything now

i can help you as i did with teku... i have anti gyno protocols for you, also a full pct layout... it will be very helpful to see the bloodwork bro...

you can get everything listed at here is a link for the full pct

the anti gyno protocol is Letro and Nolvadex for 8 weeks followed by aromasin 4 weeks... 2.5 mg every day of letro and 20 mg of nolvadex followed by aromasin at 12.5 mg eod

here is the pct layout

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

you may need an 8 week pct.. I wont know until I see your bloodwork...
Thanks for the replies so far everybody. I'll have my bloodwork posted on tuesday morning.
Bloodwork 102015.jpgBloodwork 102015 (1).jpg

Got my bloodwork, this was the bloodwork I had done last year at the end of october.
Doc was also checking if I was hypoglycemic, so there's some extra stuff in there.
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Not totally bad bloods. Test is kinda low but not awefull.
I will be honest with you though. If you have gyno as in solidified lumps, your gonna need surgery or stop using anabolics. Those are your options.
No magic concoction will totally wipe it away forever.
ya this is classic example of why not to take test at 17 and 18 years old tbh test levels aren't very good for your age
sounds good bro... as soon as you post it we will assess and goo from there...

Hey bro... would you say I need the 8 week PCT based on the bloods? My doctor also is having me do more bloodwork to see my test levels again as of right now, so I should have that soon
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