
delt enjections


New member
I injected 500 mcg follistatin into each delt. i worked out legs and a little bit of shoulders.... now are my shoulders supposed to be like sore?
Re: RE: delt enjections

peter24 said:
I injected 500 mcg follistatin into each delt. i worked out legs and a little bit of shoulders.... now are my shoulders supposed to be like sore?
Is the soreness on both shoulders or just where you pinned? If its in both shoulders, its from the workout. That should answer your question.
its the injection site on both shoulders. I thought it would go away when i woke up today but its better but still a little sore. Will my delts get better at taking injections or will they be sore every time?
The muscle you pin should get used to the pinning after a while. Provided you rotate sites. Please dont just pin delts. And that you have good quality pip free gear.
peter24 said:
I injected 500 mcg follistatin into each delt. i worked out legs and a little bit of shoulders.... now are my shoulders supposed to be like sore?

Bro, can you post in the right forum?
peter24 said:
its the injection site on both shoulders. I thought it would go away when i woke up today but its better but still a little sore. Will my delts get better at taking injections or will they be sore every time?

Why not rotate sites instead of doing delts only? I would add in some glutes to your rotation or another site. How often are you pinning?
peter24 said:
this was my first pin... i tried follistatin preparing myself for test injections later on

If this was your first pin, why are both delts hurting?
its been 2 days now since the pin and they are better but still sore... both are sore cause i did 500mcg in each delt
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