I was having a discussion with a buddy last week and i was curious to what the forum guys thought about this. I blast and cruise (I have low t), and my buddy who has a lot more experience then I do was saying it would be better to do what he does, which is run 400 test 200 deca year round and cycle orals. He used to run 600 test 400 tren 60 anavar on cycle and 200 test 200 deca on his trt which was doctor prescribed (or so he says, he is 40 something and have no reason to doubt him), and he decided he was getting too old and busy to run crazy cycles with tren and orals, so he just stays at 400 test 200 deca year round which is the deca prescription and smack in the middle of the test he runs on and off cycle, no more orals except for occasional 50mg dbol pre workouts. Now.... i typically run 400-500test/600bold/200-300 deca and then come down to 200mg test cruise. I rejected the idea immediately, but now I am starting to ponder if it would be more beneficial for me to run 400test/200deca for a year, and cycle anadrol 4 weeks on 8 weeks off. I am a powerlifter and my only goal is strength to bodyweight, tren does not do well with me. I am very new to the steroid game (about a year), so i ask a lot of questions and pick at a lot of brains. thanks