
Cycle Question


New member
Looking to run another cycle in about 2 months and want to prepare accordingly. I am 6'0 205 with about 10% BF. Looking to run Primo for the first time. I currently take 200 Mg a week of Test E and 3 IU daily of GH. Wanted to add Anavar (works great for me) and open to others. Last cycle was Test, Tren E and Masteron E. and HGH. What dose should Primo be at and what else could I add. Not looking for much size but continue to lean out even more. I will continue with HGH at 3IU. Thanks in advance for the help.
Looking to run another cycle in about 2 months and want to prepare accordingly. I am 6'0 205 with about 10% BF. Looking to run Primo for the first time. I currently take 200 Mg a week of Test E and 3 IU daily of GH. Wanted to add Anavar (works great for me) and open to others. Last cycle was Test, Tren E and Masteron E. and HGH. What dose should Primo be at and what else could I add. Not looking for much size but continue to lean out even more. I will continue with HGH at 3IU. Thanks in advance for the help.

You'll want to run primo at 600-800mg for 16 weeks. For your goals, I'd also add in GW and s4 to that. I personally would use winstrol as a finisher instead of Anavar
600-800mg would be a great dose for your primo run. If var works great for you, go ahead and add it. Or as Rick said, you can try winny and that, for most, gives better results.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
primo is clearly my favorite steroid... trust me, you want to run it no less than 600 mg per week and 14 weeks is a very ideal length to run it... i would sub winstrol for anavar man, but thats your call... s4 stacked with either makes this stack even stronger and the aesthetics you can get from it will be beyond ideal for you... how old are you and what are you running for pct?
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