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gutomarah said:
i have used pill clen in the past... and now i want to try this clen that is liquid form. It is from transformix peptides... any1 has ever heard of them? are they any good? Does liquid clen work same as pill clen? this liquid clen is 200mcg per ml... that seems very strong for 1 dose.. or is liquid clen weaker so its a higher dose? if any1 knows anything about this.. i would really appreciative any input.

here is the link

I don't know anything about the source, but a lot of them peptide companies out there can be pretty sketchy. If it is 200mcg per ml, that doesn't mean you take a full ml per dose. You take whatever dose you need to come out to the desired mcg dose you need.

Personally I wouldn't recommend Clen. It's far too harsh with side effects and is very unhealthy for you
gutomarah said:
i have used pill clen in the past... and now i want to try this clen that is liquid form. It is from transformix peptides... any1 has ever heard of them? are they any good? Does liquid clen work same as pill clen? this liquid clen is 200mcg per ml... that seems very strong for 1 dose.. or is liquid clen weaker so its a higher dose? if any1 knows anything about this.. i would really appreciative any input.

here is the link

are you really set it on using clen bro? have you read my articles or watched my videos especially getting into the dangers and other things to watch for, like weight gain after you stop using? there is a lot there that is just not favorable whatsoever... i don't know this particular brand your posting but in general, clen is not worth it... why not stack sarms, eca and albuterol? not only is it much more effective, but safer and more sustainable...
I don't know anything about the source, but Clen is dirt cheap and rarely faked (at least on purpose....can't speak for user error)

I know people don't have much love for Clen on this site but I personally have had good experiences with it. I would NEVER use 200mcg per day though. Start at 40 and work your way up. I wouldn't go higher than 120 though.....ever

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