
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Meal 4- (post workout) 2 scoops of whey protein
16 oz of almond
Meal 5- 45 mins after shake.
6oz chicken breast
4oz sweet potato
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 6- 6oz chicken breast
1/4 cup of white rice
5 spears of asparagus
Cardio after my last meal today. Bike 35 mins. After cardio half a bottle of isopure.
Back workout was at 12:30 today and the plan is heavy 6-8 reps
1) cable pullover-60lbsx20reps, 80lbsx20reps, 110lbsx15reps I start my back workout most of the time with pullovers and go light for most of the sets. This is one of the only exercises for back that your biceps are not secondarily involved and I get a great pump and feel for my lats to start the workout
2) barbell bent over row- (135x15reps), 245lbsx12reps, 265lbsx12reps, 295lbsx8reps, 315lbsx6reps, 315lbsx6reps.
3) lat pulldowns- (155lbsx15reps) 215x12reps,230lbsx10reps, 250lbsx8reps, 260lbsx6reps
4) hammer strength uni-lateral row-45lbs15,90x15,135lbsx12reps, 225lbsx8reps,225lbsx8reps.
5) hammer strength under hand grip pull down- 45x15,90lbsx12reps,135x8reps,135x8reps!
On the hammer strength I count the weight on each side.
Finished back workout with seated rows- 200lbsx15reps, 220lbsx12reps, 230lbx12reps, 230lbsx12reps.
Overall feel pretty good. Feel like my body is fighting a cold but I don't feel bad enough to take a day off! Have legs tomorrow and definetly won't be going in the 6-8 rep range with any quad exercises cause of my knee but will push it hamstrings as long as everything feels good during warm up and light sets.
Day 8- wake up at 6:30am. one week down!! My start weight on feb 1st was 234.5 dry morning weight today I weighed in at 225.8lbs!! That's 8.7lbs. I know a good amount of that is water but it is still more the I was expecting. For this week I am keep my carbs where they are and see if I continue to drop at this rate. I am assuming it will slow down some. My strength is still good so I am not too worried about wasting muscle at this point. When my body fat drops to single digits then I will maintain that weight and build some muscle while carving off a little body fat at a time!!
Today is a leg day and this week my focus is on heavy 6-8 rep range! I may stay heavy for the next 3 weeks pending how my body is responding! Like I said in the beginning I have found that doing a specific routine in 3 week blocks works really well for me. When I started the contest I was already 2 weeks into doing drop set after my final heavy set so just finished up that routine last week. I have read and tried several workout schemes and have found the most success with this hybrid version of periodization. I am am a big fan of Dr. Tudor Bompa who is in my opinion the most knowledgeable about sport performance in the field today. I have taken all that I have learned from studying most of his material and applied it to what works for me and for my goals of hypertrophy. There is a step load process that I have modified for more bodybuilding purposes and those are set in 3 week intervals! One of the most important phase is anatomical adaptation, which is where I think a lot of bodybuilders, including myself, tend to neglect! This phase is assesses weaknesses and injuries. If you never address weaknesses in your body then you put a limit on how strong and big you can become. Not only weakness in a body part but also weakness In stabilizers. Anyway that how I got to using 3 week time frames to gauge my success, to alter my routine. The 3 weeks is not set In stone if something is working and I am feeling good I will keep it for 4 or even 6 weeks!
Great progress so far, definitely off to a good start. Your nutrition and discipline are going to take you far in the coming 11 weeks.
I have always been intrigued by psychology and how our minds play more of a role in the outcome of our lives then our physical being! One of the first books I read that combined psychology with bodybuilding is Mind pump! If you haven't read it I highly recommend it! In my athletic care I had the opportunity of working with a sports psychologist and where I learned the effectiveness of cue word or words that you would repeat to yourself before performaning and in some sports during your performance as well as after!! For me one of my favorites for weight lifting is effort!! Especially on those last few reps!! Saying effort to myself reminds me to question am I pushing as hard as I can!! Once pain sets in there is a lot of people that determine there capabilities off of what they are feeling rather then what their body can keep doing! So for me saying effort gets me to focus on just that! How hard am I pushing or pulling! How much more can I do! My body always can go a little further if my mind allows!!
I have always been intrigued by psychology and how our minds play more of a role in the outcome of our lives then our physical being! One of the first books I read that combined psychology with bodybuilding is Mind pump! If you haven't read it I highly recommend it! In my athletic care I had the opportunity of working with a sports psychologist and where I learned the effectiveness of cue word or words that you would repeat to yourself before performaning and in some sports during your performance as well as after!! For me one of my favorites for weight lifting is effort!! Especially on those last few reps!! Saying effort to myself reminds me to question am I pushing as hard as I can!! Once pain sets in there is a lot of people that determine there capabilities off of what they are feeling rather then what their body can keep doing! So for me saying effort gets me to focus on just that! How hard am I pushing or pulling! How much more can I do! My body always can go a little further if my mind allows!!

I do something similar in my head but it goes more like this: "Don't be a little bitch" lol
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