
Aspirate or Not to Aspirate

newbies -yes
experienced users- personal preference

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Stopped doing it a while ago. Reading on various nursing sites it's virtually useless. If you're injecting in the known "safe zones" then there is zero chance of landing perfectly inside a vein. Even if by some odd chance you do, or win the lottery which has better odds, you would know pretty quickly once you start injecting.

The good news is that even if you accidentally shot into a vein it wouldn't kill you or anything. Just a very shitty 10-15 minutes that would put tren cough to shame.

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I don't see a reason not to. yeah its unlikely to cause any harm at all even if you don't aspirate, but it doesn't take but two seconds anyways.
I never have! And if I knick a vein? Well get ready for the rockets fire up with Tren fuel! Lololol! Ka fucking boom bitches!!
I think for a new guy, aspirating is good practice while they learn the fundementals of pinning. Almost like having a new driver hold the wheel with both hands. After a while, you know the safe spots and the way things should feel so its optional..
I think we've all nicked a vein once or twice. No big deal. The only thing is that when you nick a vein, the needle is up against the vein keeping the cut closed until you pull out. Once you do that, two things can happen, 1: You'll have a slight bleed.
2. The blood can pool inside causing issues.
So you should always inject at a slow steady pace. I never understood why I see guys recommending just pierce it fast??!! Slow and steady gives a chance for the veins to move aside and less chances of hitting them.
I don't aspirate either. Two cycles...two issues. My first pin ever and I had a recent nick of a vein/nerve in my glute. And that was my fault because my dumbass decided I should get closer to glute and further away from VG area....where I never had any issues. So live and learn through my mistakes...if you have good pins in areas, stay there :)
It really only takes a couple seconds to do so I think it's good practice.....especially if you are in vascular locations like quads or delts

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My wife aspirates everytime she pins me regardless, why not am I in a rush to slam oil in my muscle it only takes like 2 seconds ? That's like saying I never been in a car accident no need to wear a seatbelt anymore I'm a pro driver
Ok so whats the verdict, to aspirate or not aspirate that is the question?

To each his own. I do not. I stick pin in quickly and inject! Problem some like me have with going in slow is myelin shieth sureounding the muscle is very tough and going slow hurts! If it works for you great! Worst to happen is you nick a vein and I will get Tren blasted. Rare, but it will not kill you l. Is just going to be incomfortable for some for a bits. I know in medical profession, we rarely aspirate a parient with IMJ, Intra-Musculare Injection unless muscle is deteriorat and shrunken so much not even being in muscle is good possibity!

Most of us have this myelin shieth surrounding muscle thst is very tough to get through, but some? They do not and can pin slow with no problems. My recommended method as student RN? Do what you each need to do! If going in slow get tough like you hit a blockaj, but you know you are in muscle? You are just going in fast, hammer it in and push! No two bodies will be same and no two people will use same spot or method! Just like workout and steroid choice, find what works for you and work the crap out of that to max brnefit.

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I aspirate everytime I inject. There is really no right or wrong, I just look at is as "why not?" It gives me a little piece of mind and only takes 2 seconds to do it.

On the other hand, the down side is sometimes when I am aspirating the needle moves around slightly
Nope, never. Alcohol pad, bang, alcohol pad, toss pin into appropriate means of disposal. Everytime. Wipe repeat
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