
Anavar vs Winstrol


New member
I am a huge fat guy and ima do a cycle of test and proviron. now... which steroid will get me more cut-like results without doing any cardio and okay diet... winstrol or anavar? and dont say its not gana work. just post which one works better for cutting and dont give me any bs.
Re: RE: Anavar vs Winstrol

peter24 said:
I am a huge fat guy and ima do a cycle of test and proviron. now... which steroid will get me more cut-like results without doing any cardio and okay diet... winstrol or anavar? and dont say its not gana work. just post which one works better for cutting and dont give me any bs.
Neither. You're in the wrong business and the wrong forum with that kind of attitude.

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He's drunk lol Steriods don't work like that bro..... But there is one thing called diet and me the fat would just melt away

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peter24 said:
I am a huge fat guy and ima do a cycle of test and proviron. now... which steroid will get me more cut-like results without doing any cardio and okay diet... winstrol or anavar? and dont say its not gana work. just post which one works better for cutting and dont give me any bs.

I'm not sure if you are trolling, but it sure sounds like you are. Steroids are not fat burners, and shouldn't be used at all if you aren't in shape. Having an ok diet and not doing cardio isn't exactly someone wanting to lose fat, so no steroid will do jack shit for you to cut in that instance. That's just the Sad reality and truth
peter24 said:
im at about 20% bf. i just wnat to know which is better for cutting winstrol or anavar

Neither steroid helps you to cut fat. It is the absolute truth that steroids are not fat burners. The ONLY way to get cut is through proper diet and exercise (cardio). Neither one burns fat off of you. That's not what they do. They are steroids and they build muscle. Winstrol can help get a drier and harder appearance and increase vascularity, which makes you look leaner. Anavar has some similiar effects, but is a lot more mild with less results in my opinion.

I cannot stress enough that neither will get you any leaner if you don't diet and exercise for fat loss. At your body fat level, they really aren't the answer right now. You need to be in much better shape. Sarms would be a better option. Besides that. GW actually does burn fat on its own, and increases endurance. Stacking it with S4 and MK-2866 can give you a very nice recomp of adding muscle and burning fat. Diet is still just as important, but these aids can definitely help and they are ok to use at your current body fat because they have minimal side effects and they aren't negative to your health

1-12 MK-2866 25mg per day
1-12 S4 50mg per day
1-12 GW-501516 20mg per day

Get your sarms at the highest quality from

PCT Clomid 25/25/25/25
peter24 said:
I am a huge fat guy and ima do a cycle of test and proviron. now... which steroid will get me more cut-like results without doing any cardio and okay diet... winstrol or anavar? and dont say its not gana work. just post which one works better for cutting and dont give me any bs.

The answer is clearly N2Guard bro. its made for good people, by people who knows other peoples bro..
Winny if you compete, Var if you don't compete. No need to take risk if you don't need too. Var will deliver what most men dream of. Risk vs Reward type thing.
peter24 said:
ima try it my way. steroids + no cardio and ima eat mostly chicken and chocolate.

Lol, ok bro it's your choice what you do. Good luck with that...
Re: RE: Re: Anavar vs Winstrol

RickRock said:
peter24 said:
ima try it my way. steroids + no cardio and ima eat mostly chicken and chocolate.

Lol, ok bro it's your choice what you do. Good luck with that...
Lmao, chicken and chocolate. Sounds like a dream to me.

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Re: RE: Re: Anavar vs Winstrol

ibleedoranbla said:
RickRock said:
peter24 said:
ima try it my way. steroids + no cardio and ima eat mostly chicken and chocolate.

Lol, ok bro it's your choice what you do. Good luck with that...
Lmao, chicken and chocolate. Sounds like a dream to me.

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Or she is pregnant, kind of like pickles and PB, ya know!
JackSteel said:
Stick with the dark choco ;) did you say no cardio?? Is this a troll?

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It absolutely has to be. This can't possibly be anyone serious
Let me get this straight lol.You want to use a Steroid to lose weight? An not do any Cardio? Well that's not going to happen in my life time lol.You need to do some Things first. Get off the drugs you are already on,. Get your diet in check, ( Diet section of the Forum makes for good reading ), Do table pushes, ( push away from the table ),As far as Dark Chocolate It can help in losing some weight, if done right, With that being said ... se-weight/. But in the end it come down to Diet an Exercise , Use Winny if your dead set on it, But you need to get up an MOVE for Things to work,
Guys its clear this person is trolling the board... do not waste your time away from members that actually need your help... this type of things really pisses me off to waste our time just to be an asshole and take away from others... what possesses anyone to do this, i dont know but its just sad and absurd...
You wanna use both but make sure you go suppository method. Works the best.

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