
Test-E first cycle


New member
First time posting here,

I'm 5'10 190 pounds and around 11/12% bf and I'm in my last week of this cycle:

1-12 Test Enanthate @ 500mg/wk
Arimidex 0.5mg EOD

My diet is on check, I weight my food and count macros everyday, atm doing 3300cals (450c/74f/200p), also weight myself every morning. Got around 9kg in 11 weeks, if I had to guess probably almost 50% of that is watter, but if at least 3 or 4kg is keepable lean mass, I'm more than happy with that

Just wanted to do get some feedback and ask 2 questions:
1- Since it's enanthate I should start taking Nolva in week 15 till 18 at 40/40/20/20 dosages right? Thinking about doing just that and tribulus(won't hurt). And how likely will gains from this cycle be keepable?
2- I want to cut a bit after the cycle to get "better" for summer, even tho everyone says I'm more than fine, I'm kinda perfectionist. Is it okay to reduce calories at a slow pace after the last injection? Or should I go maintenance of slighty above calories all the way till the end of PCT to perserve gains and only cut after? I dont wanna do a cutting cycle for sure. Recover properly, keep the gains the best way I can, and maybe after 18 weeks (september or something) do another one, idk.

Thanks everyone, and sorry if my english isnt the best, not native speaker.
And keep up the good work Dylan Gemelli, love watching your videos!
Hey gux90. I have a question for you. I'm getting ready to start my first 12 week testosterone enanthate only cycle. Did you notice a real significant increase in strength and rapid recovery from your weightlifting sessions? Did you feel any negative symptoms of any kind while your test levels were increased?
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First time posting here,

I'm 5'10 190 pounds and around 11/12% bf and I'm in my last week of this cycle:

1-12 Test Enanthate @ 500mg/wk
Arimidex 0.5mg EOD

My diet is on check, I weight my food and count macros everyday, atm doing 3300cals (450c/74f/200p), also weight myself every morning. Got around 9kg in 11 weeks, if I had to guess probably almost 50% of that is watter, but if at least 3 or 4kg is keepable lean mass, I'm more than happy with that

Just wanted to do get some feedback and ask 2 questions:
1- Since it's enanthate I should start taking Nolva in week 15 till 18 at 40/40/20/20 dosages right? Thinking about doing just that and tribulus(won't hurt). And how likely will gains from this cycle be keepable?
2- I want to cut a bit after the cycle to get "better" for summer, even tho everyone says I'm more than fine, I'm kinda perfectionist. Is it okay to reduce calories at a slow pace after the last injection? Or should I go maintenance of slighty above calories all the way till the end of PCT to perserve gains and only cut after? I dont wanna do a cutting cycle for sure. Recover properly, keep the gains the best way I can, and maybe after 18 weeks (september or something) do another one, idk.

Thanks everyone, and sorry if my english isnt the best, not native speaker.
And keep up the good work Dylan Gemelli, love watching your videos!

when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well…

here is the link to purchase the entire pct stack followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
if its a 12 week cycle, pct starts week 15-18... hcg would be ran weeks 11-14 at 1000 ius week.. bro, the keeping gains question is horrible... noone knows what you will keep... that depends on your diet and training after your cycle... you should never be cutting during pct... unless you want to lose your gains... you can begin cutting after you complete your cycle...

if you want to cut right and preserve muscle after your cycle, then you need a sarms bridge... i will give you the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout.. .

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 tongkat ali

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Dylan, can HCG be optional for a testosterone enanthate only cycle?
you dont HAVE to use it and most will tell you that but im not comfortable not including it as long as its used properly... if used properly, it definitely helps for a smoother recovery but if used incorrectly, it can have an alternate effects... i always clearly teach to use it the last four weeks of your cycle right up until pct starts.. no more than 1000 ius week..
Sorry to respond so late. So if I decide to use it the last 4 weeks of a 12 week cycle right up to PCT, it would be ran weeks 11 through 14? Is the HCG a pill, liquid, injectable?
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