
LEGIT SARMS and Hair Loss


New member
Good day,

are there any chances to have hair loss using REAL LEGIT SARMS?
If yes, can you please provide a list of SARMS that actually does that?

Both my dad and brother have lost hairs due to genetics and I am planning to start using SARMS and avoid the use of steroids.

Thanks everyone for help!
I haven't had hair in decades, so I've not worried about it, but sarms by themselves shouldn't have a noticeable effect on your hairline since they don't have an affinity for receptors in your follicles .
of course there's a chance... its not likely and definitely A LOT less likely to happen with sarms than steroids but noone should ever say that its just impossible either
Everybody will reacts different. First time on S4 I had slight vision issue. Second time I had none. Last time I did RAD 140 I was loosing hair in the shower lot more. It did thin out. But after being off it my hair thicken back up and back to normal. I’m going to do RAD again in the next month. I’m waiting to see if it does it again.

I didn't knew that was possible from RAD 140, thanks bro. How many mgs/day triggered that? Is your SARMS source trusted?

I keep hearing alopecia/hair loss is possible from LGD-4033 (Anabolicum) but I always wonder if it's the real LGD-4033 (Anabolicum) that might trigger it or just a fake version of it containing real steroids instead. Also even just 10 mgs/day can really do that?

Some websites review baldness chances even from MK-2866 (Ostabolic-Ostarine).

Shouldn't SARMS theoretically be doing exactly the opposite? I mean, indirectly PREVENT hair loss due to some suppression to the endogenous production of testosterone and it's DHT conversion?
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more often than not, when you hear of certain circumstances that seem odd for a sarm to cause, it is directly correlated with a fake sarm
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