
Help with calorie intake


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27yrs old

I am looking to get back to my 190-195LBS and be around 10-11% BF again

I am trying to figure out my fats, protein, carb intake without losing any mass but lowering body fats. I?ll be start a fresh cycle of some Test/ Tren/ EQ/ GW once the gym opens up but i want to put together these numbers so I can plan out my meal plan. Any help on the math would be great! If I had rough numbers to start with I can tweak as the cycle goes on. Might be a silly question if so you can remove.
There are cookie cutter diets out there but it really comes down to what works best for your body. I do very well with 50/35/15 protein/fat/carbs.

Having said that with tren you will likely want more carbs so the ratio for you would be different.

It?s really trial and error. I also love to intermittent fasting as well to cut body fat. The starting point would be to find your maintenance calories, factor in your workouts, and get a rough baseline for caloric intake. Then adjust your macros as you go to see what works best for you.
There are cookie cutter diets out there but it really comes down to what works best for your body. I do very well with 50/35/15 protein/fat/carbs.

Having said that with tren you will likely want more carbs so the ratio for you would be different.

It?s really trial and error. I also love to intermittent fasting as well to cut body fat. The starting point would be to find your maintenance calories, factor in your workouts, and get a rough baseline for caloric intake. Then adjust your macros as you go to see what works best for you.

I?m going to start looking into that a bit thank you sir appreciate that!
Yea no problem and don?t be afraid to tweak your diet as you go. I see so many people come up with a diet plan and just stick to it as opposed to assessing how it?s working and how your body composition is changing and going from there.

I track what I eat if I notice after a few days I?m gaining more weight than I want or losing definition I?ll see what I ate, at what times, etc and modify.

Also make sure not to eat too little. If you start feeling really fatigued and weak eat more. Gotta listen to what your body is telling you.
Tracking your food is awesome. I have been doing it for a long time. Eventually I figured out my meal plans and don?t track as often.
Too start track everything. Lots of simple apps out there. I use under armor MyFitnessPal.
Adjust your ratio to what works for you. I did a high protein of 60/25/15 for awhile. Got pretty lean with it. Eventually I added more carbs. I am also pretty close to 50/35/15 now.
Like said find what works for you.
If interested in fasting Rick rock has a great write up on it here. Read the sticki about diet and nutrition basic 101
I did not weigh my food for along time. I thought I was too manly to do that. Watched my wife weigh everything. Eventually I gave in. I quickly learned my portions where wrong. A lot of stuff I even got more food.
For me 6 feet tall, when I?m 185 lb 8%bf my maintenance calories is about 2500. When I want to add weight I push about 3000. I don?t count my work out reduction. Some folks do.
Good luck
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the issue is that everyone is different and diets should all be customized and never cookie cutter... i always prefer to keep mine a certain way etc. but everyone is so different on they respond to certain foods, types, etc...
It is actually pretty difficult to lose muscle. I would play around with different things. For me, lower carb works the best. Everyone is different thought.
Finding the best diet involves find the best sustainable diet. I?ve done keto several times, and it was great for appetite suppression but it would also downgrade my metabolism so after getting off keto I struggled to work out and gained a lot of fat back.
From trial and error I work best under certain conditions.
The optimal conditions for me is strongman training (high strength and high endurance) with c/p/f at 40/30/30.
If I?m short on sleep from other stuff in life, I switch off between strength and cardio and will eat closer to 20/30/50. Or at least I should. It doesn?t always turn out like that.
My wife does a lot better with a Mediterranean type diet, closer to 50/20/30. So our diets match more closely when I?m doing daily strength-endurance exercises.
Aa said everyone is different. With diet it's all trial and error until you find what works
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