
Canned veggies


Senior Member
I'm at the local grocery store where they just ran out of fresh green beans and fresh spinach, so I bought canned veggies... Does this shit even have any nutrients?
Frozen is the next best option. Canned has more sodium so try to get no or low sodium. I usually just use veggies for fiber because they really don't have very many calories.
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Not horrible, but better off with frozen and just throwing it in microwave.
Or if you have the time/extra $, go with fresh 100%!!

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its still a vegetable but its the lowest grade you can really get... you should have gone with frozen instead
Just wondering all of you saying canned is less nutritious or worse than fresh, what do you base your conclusions on? Actually, when you cook fresh veggies they lose a significant amount of their nutritional value and could easily become less nutritious than ready-to-eat canned veggies. Check this out:

And the canned veggies are also cooked and becomes less nutritious than raw veggies. Your argument doesn’t make much sense, anytime you cook a veggie it’s going to lose some nutrients, whether you buy it precooked, or buy it fresh and cook it yourself. Not to mention canned veggies often have a decent amount of added sodium.

Aswell, nobody here is saying canned is BAD, we are just stating there are BETTER options.

However, you can never argue the fact that canned anything is ever better than fresh, would you be happy going to a restaurant and knowing your veggies came right out of a can, canned should only be used for convenience purposes.

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And the canned veggies are also cooked and becomes less nutritious than raw veggies. Your argument doesn’t make much sense, anytime you cook a veggie it’s going to lose some nutrients, whether you buy it precooked, or buy it fresh and cook it yourself. Not to mention canned veggies often have a decent amount of added sodium.

So both canned and freshly cooked will have lost some of their nutritional value, but canned veggies are not as less nutritious as many people think (taste is a different argument). And if you overcook (long time and/or very high heat) fresh veggies they can become less nutritious than canned ones. As for the sodium, I don't know why many people make a big deal out of this. I always add salt when cooking anyway, so personally, I don't care if it already has salt or I add it.
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