
Can clomid or nolvadex cause a heart attack or stroke?


New member
Hi everyone
I'm scared to start my first cycle or even sarms because I've read on the Internet that clomid or nolvadex can cause a heart attack or stroke

Is this common?
What are the chances or possibilities of it happening?
If it was common everyone that does a proper PCT would be dropping like flies wouldn't you think?

I've never heard of this happening.
Well if it's on the internet then it has to be true.

The crap that's on the internet can (and will) give me a heart attack AND a stroke.
Hi everyone
I'm scared to start my first cycle or even sarms because I've read on the Internet that clomid or nolvadex can cause a heart attack or stroke

Is this common?
What are the chances or possibilities of it happening?
My god, where the hell did you hear this malarchy?
In the time I’ve been around anabolics I have never once heard of either causing or increasing the chance of a stroke. Where are you reading this from??
OP doesn't seem bothered about the risks of taking steroids but is worried he'll drop dead if he sniffs a serm.
That is kinda funny :-D "I would gladly pin underground anabolics in my body for weeks on end if it wasnt just for that damn pct!"
Just bustin your balls a little bit bro. If it makes you feel any better, I have spent a LONG time diving as deep into these subjects and research as possible over the last few years, and I have never ran across anything that suggests what you are saying. I mean hell... even a simple over-the-counter cold medicine is gonna have to include a warning about that one in a million freak thing where it "may lead to stroke or heart attack" etc etc. But then again so can a cup of strong coffee "technically"
Almost as funny as the post about the guy asking if he'll sweat out the sarms if he goes in the sauna 😂. Where are these questions coming from lol
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