
Valhalla makes nuclear test and what about this gyno


First things first, I'm running vanhalla's cyp for my trt @200mg/wk. that usually puts me around 850-950. Well I ran some bloods.. I pin 2x a week, and this was 2 days after my half dose pin.... Unreadable over 1500.. Holy shit.. I'm going to have to cut his dose in half when running trt, 200mg unreadable! That's insane.

The next part is damn is it smooth, I inject subq (so here is proof that shit works for the ppl who swear by IM only). I've used 3 different brands of cyp, 2 pharm grade, and they have all given me slight pain during pinning, his gives me zero, I swear water would burn more. There is a tiny bit of pip but in 4 yrs of trt I've always gotten a little soreness from subq..

So next item, I started a cycle of cyp 2 months or so ago at 400mg/wk... I had some gyno flare up (that i got from past trt).. I had to end the cycle for non related reasons, I was using arimidex to battle it and wasn't getting much from it, switched to Aromasin from sarmx and while I don't think it is growing, T is still tender after having run an AI for a couple months, I've been using Aromasin at 7.5 daily

My E2 was at 30.7(range 7.6-32.6) and prolactin was at 7.4 (range 4-15.2)

At first I was like damn if my e2 is still that high the damn Aromasin must be shit, but now that I know my test is through the fucking roof I see why it was still somewhat elevated.

Now the itching has basically vanished, I don't think it has grown (I've always held a ton of fat in my chest so more fat can always make it seem like it has grown) but it is still tender..

I was wanting to finally do a 12 week run at 400mg but now I'm not sure
SubQ injections... I've been reading about that. Is that still effective with any compound?

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So do y'all think I'm good to bust out with my cycle with those numbers or due to the gyno still being tender at times it's not smart?
So do y'all think I'm good to bust out with my cycle with those numbers or due to the gyno still being tender at times it's not smart?
Honestly. ...If your having problem keeping estrogen in check while on trt then your really going to have a hard time keeping them down on a blast. Granted your test is fire!!!! So dial your dose of test and aromasin in while in trt with some blood work. .. Then double it come blast from there

Faster Bigger Stronger
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Tumtum..I had a very similar issue recently and posted a thread about it

Basically, my estrogen numbers were well within range when bloods were drawn, but still had early symptoms of gyno in left nipple area. I had been switching back and forth between prescription Watson and source Test because of traveling. All I can think of is my estrogen must have risen enough to cause an issue. It started holding water and felt bloated. I doubled up on the AI and the symptoms subsided. I also hold fat in the chest's the last place to go for me. So I am either estrogen sensitive, gyno prone and/ or both. I never had a blood test come back with estrogen over 20. Prolactin was also within range. Strange. Initially I was taking AI 12.5 EOD, but switched to AI 12.5 2 days on, 1 day off. Probably not the best way, but it is working to keep things manageable until my cycle ends in 2 weeks.

Just pinned some of the Valhalla Test Cyp. 30 min ago for the first time. Smooth..heard it was strong so I drew up less than normal to account for its nuclear radioactive potential. Tried the Test.Ace last week which was excellent. Instant gratification right there. Though I will admit juggling between different Test. probably isn't smart on my part while trying to keep a handle on my estrogen. I couldn't help it.
Tumtum..I had a very similar issue recently and posted a thread about it

Basically, my estrogen numbers were well within range when bloods were drawn, but still had early symptoms of gyno in left nipple area. I had been switching back and forth between prescription Watson and source Test because of traveling. All I can think of is my estrogen must have risen enough to cause an issue. It started holding water and felt bloated. I doubled up on the AI and the symptoms subsided. I also hold fat in the chest's the last place to go for me. So I am either estrogen sensitive, gyno prone and/ or both. I never had a blood test come back with estrogen over 20. Prolactin was also within range. Strange. Initially I was taking AI 12.5 EOD, but switched to AI 12.5 2 days on, 1 day off. Probably not the best way, but it is working to keep things manageable until my cycle ends in 2 weeks.

Just pinned some of the Valhalla Test Cyp. 30 min ago for the first time. Smooth..heard it was strong so I drew up less than normal to account for its nuclear radioactive potential. Tried the Test.Ace last week which was excellent. Instant gratification right there. Though I will admit juggling between different Test. probably isn't smart on my part while trying to keep a handle on my estrogen. I couldn't help it.

Thanks for the rely man, will definitely check out that thread, and reason you do 2 on 1 off? I like doing daily, I know it doesn't require that, but Doug EOD has a risk of me getting mixed up on my days and forgetting. So I prefer daily
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