
TRT taking a break


Afternoon gentlemen, hoping to get some valuable input. I am a 30 yr old healthy male, well taking low T into account. I've been on TRT for about 2 years now with no complaints. I get injections of 100mg of Test/wk and 500iu of HCG 2/wk with anastrazole/arimidex .25g/wk . I've read post that since i am somewhat relatively young, that taking a break of a month or 2 or longer would not be a bad idea to let my body rest. Had blood work done this week and was told by my physician that my test levels where in the 590's, since we lowered the Test dosage about 6 months ago, since @ 110mg my test levels where in the high 900's. Anyways I am planning on taking this break which entails them lowering the dose over 1 month so i do not crash. I do want to retail muscle mass and have bought LGD, RAD and some OSterine, so i have that at my disposal. How should i go about taking these? how can i take these to not supress my own test productions since the reason i want to take a break is to not solely rely on test injections? I also bout a natural Test booster (one used for PCT which has good reviews)...when taking the Sarms should i still take the arimidex since do not want to get gyno since i think my body type is prone to it? any input or advice would help
You should not suffer any side effects from the sarms whatsoever, as for stopping you trt....I don't think that's a good idea. If you do,your test levels will plummet. Not good for you bro. Trt is for life.
Yeah that is a concern of mine. But on the other hand i want to see how my body adjusts with the natural test booster, arimidex if i still need to take that while taking sarms etc. This is why i bought Sarms to try an alternative to being on Test for life. The plan is to take a break of 2-4 months a year depending on how i feel. The benefits ive experienced on TRT are undeniable. I just wish insurance physicians where more educated on the matter, one of the docs i had an appt. with right off the bad told me to get off it since as he put it "its like pouring lighter fluid into a fire , therefore having the flame burn brighter but burn out faster" i guess in that analogy my body is the thing burning out faster on TRT -_-
I don't believe what that Dr said is correct....test levels need to be maintained for out health and well being. How low was your test prior to trt?
Prior to trt it was 390, verbatim " that is okay its low but its low normal" . He said that, i can attest that on trt i feel better, but i do want to take a break to simply 1 see how my body reacts and 2 try an alternative (test booster/sarms) since i do want to eventually have kids.
Why didn't u try that before trt? Your levels will drop and you'll not feel well. I'd stick with trt bro
Afternoon gentlemen, hoping to get some valuable input. I am a 30 yr old healthy male, well taking low T into account. I've been on TRT for about 2 years now with no complaints. I get injections of 100mg of Test/wk and 500iu of HCG 2/wk with anastrazole/arimidex .25g/wk . I've read post that since i am somewhat relatively young, that taking a break of a month or 2 or longer would not be a bad idea to let my body rest. Had blood work done this week and was told by my physician that my test levels where in the 590's, since we lowered the Test dosage about 6 months ago, since @ 110mg my test levels where in the high 900's. Anyways I am planning on taking this break which entails them lowering the dose over 1 month so i do not crash. I do want to retail muscle mass and have bought LGD, RAD and some OSterine, so i have that at my disposal. How should i go about taking these? how can i take these to not supress my own test productions since the reason i want to take a break is to not solely rely on test injections? I also bout a natural Test booster (one used for PCT which has good reviews)...when taking the Sarms should i still take the arimidex since do not want to get gyno since i think my body type is prone to it? any input or advice would help

have you been on hcg continuously this entire time?? i truly hope not...

you will be fine to run sarms while you are off your trt... what i would recommend is simply running daa alongside of your cycle... you should take a look at mk677... you can run it all year and it works continuously.. it is as close to real hgh as your going to get without actually having it...

how gyno prone are you ?
Hi Bro...welcome to the forum..lots of good knowledge here

It's problematic to try and return to natural test production...but it might be possible
First you will need to do an extensive PCT (post cycle therapy)....Dylan and the guys here can set you up with a great protocol
Be aware....You'll probably feel like shit for a few months
Do a bit of research on boosting natural test production...not just supplements, but diet and exercise
Also...have a full physical post PCT..see if you can find a reason for the lower natural test ( BTW...390 isn't really all that low)

good luck
Hi Bro...welcome to the forum..lots of good knowledge here

It's problematic to try and return to natural test production...but it might be possible
First you will need to do an extensive PCT (post cycle therapy)....Dylan and the guys here can set you up with a great protocol
Be aware....You'll probably feel like shit for a few months
Do a bit of research on boosting natural test production...not just supplements, but diet and exercise
Also...have a full physical post PCT..see if you can find a reason for the lower natural test ( BTW...390 isn't really all that low)

good luck

i agree that a strong pct protocol is necessary... 8 weeks at the minimum... this is what i would recommend doing first...

clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25//25/0
nolva 0/40/40/40/20/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
@dylan, yes and no on the hcg, my first year I wasn't continuously on it but this past year, they gave me the option to do it biweekly @500iu to keep my nads from shrinking since was noticing them getting smaller
@dylan, yes and no on the hcg, my first year I wasn't continuously on it but this past year, they gave me the option to do it biweekly @500iu to keep my nads from shrinking since was noticing them getting smaller

HCG should never be taken continuously for more than a few weeks at a time. It becomes counterproductive and problematic

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
HCG should never be taken continuously for more than a few weeks at a time. It becomes counterproductive and problematic

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Also unless you're trying to have kids it's not really necessary.

Pharma Lady Rep
@Rick, was not aware of that, what side effects would it have? (Hcg)

HCG can and will cause a big rise in estrogen, and also you become desensitized to it the longer you use it. It becomes counterproductive over time because you can only mimic LH for so long before it doesn't work the same way, so,then when you need it to work to help you recover, it doesn't do anything and actually makes it much harder to get your body to recover if you were trying to come off and have kids

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Morning gentlemen, was using my phone earlier to reply to post so could not be thorough. @Rick, that makes sense but take it that I've been doing this on the say the clinic with medical supervision so they did not brought this up to me, how they put it was you have the option to do it this way if fertility concerns you and see how your body works with it since some clients actually feel better incorporating it in their regime. My estrogen level as of Friday is 26, which seems to be right where they want it, hemoglobin 15.1, test high 500's ( as a result of us lowering the Test dose a few months back when it was too high). Now i am becoming more informed so i greatly appreciate the input. I am somewhat, not sure if this is the correct word, but looking forward to the break to try out this alternative with natural test boosters and the help of Sarms, (hope im still saying that a few weeks from now). I know it wont be as "good" as if i continued with the TRT but again just want to see if i can indeed go without the weekly pricking. If it comes to it and indeed i feel like shit for a long period of time, i have no problem going back to TRT if i have to, to better my quality of life.

@Dylan - I have arimidex, hcg, LGD , Novadex and RAD140 and will be getting MK677, Osterine, and possibly GW- when you say 8 weeks minimum does that include taking the dosages you recommended daily or once a wk?
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