
TRT Sustanon


New member
Hi Dylan!

At the first i have to say hopeso you understand what i try to speak because my English is little poor.I am 29 years old,93KG and about 5 monts i start TRT with my doctors prescription. In here Finland where i live, TRT is not very popular because doctors dont reconize low testosterone levels,very hard find right doctor and symptons.I feel good in TRT but my dosage at this time is 125mg every 10 days and i dont like this because stages go up and down but at down i dont get symptons.Have you got some experience Sustanon in TRT? if you need some additional information i can tell for you.I dont like my doctor and that is reason why asking about this from you.
Yes i know that and this is not optimal with my opinion. Yes doctor write for me Sustanon prescription 1ml ampoules and i dont need AI.
Thank you very much Dylan for poiniting all out. I was sure to do it once every 10 days too, that's what I heard its good. But I will trust you.
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