
Training in PCT


New member
so my last pct was ran with great success, virtually kept everything. During pct i lowered the volume of my workouts but not the intensity. So instead of training 7 days a week, i trained 5 in pct. Instead of doing 40 sets a workout, i did 25 during pct. Your opinions on this? Thought this would be logical because since your hormones are at an all time low your body won't be able to recover from the same workouts you did on cycle. Also calories are raised above maintenance if not already.
you can keep it the same for the most part. Just dont try to kill it like you did on cycle, at least for the 1st few wks. once your 15-18 days in the serms should have your body producing a good amount of T again.

so slowly get back to where you were. But the 1st two wks need to be lighter, allow more time between sets, less cardio if you do alot too. cardio can be a muscle killer in pct
Well I personally don't like high volume workouts at any time, but that's just my personal preference and training style. For the most part I train the same on cycle and off, but I do very high intensity, low volume and workout 3 days a week. I can see someone that does a lot of volume needing to cut it back a bit in PCT because of the recovery factor
I don't know how much it matters. Cause everyone is different. Just do what works for you. There is no "Bible" on doing any of this. Much of it is trial and error which is why things take so much time for gains as well.
Not trying to change the topic to much lol... but do your guy's diets change at all in pct? If you were in a caloric deficit do you guys up your calories?
rickypatel said:
Not trying to change the topic to much lol... but do your guy's diets change at all in pct? If you were in a caloric deficit do you guys up your calories?

a lot of us cruise now but technically if your wanting to keep size you have to do a few things... one is to accommodate calories as your body is not going to be in anabolic state so it will need more intake however its tricky because you have to be careful what kind of extra calories you take in... there tends to be a cortisol issue in pct and that causes fat gain and loss of gains as well as it eats up your muscle and spurns your recovery... that's why gw-501516 is integral in pct because it melts fat but stays anti catabolic and coupling with mk2866 keeps strength and lean size all the while keeping cortisol and fat away... this is what most don't grasp on why they are used there... pct is about recovery but you can't recovery with estrogen, cortisol etc... it all goes together... kickstarting hpta is not the only aspect that provides recovery... of course its integral but it needs more than that to be a true recovery... otherwise not only will you spend extra time trying recover test production but also trying to recover gains... pct is the most important part of any cycle... always remember that
Re: RE: Re: Training in PCT

rickypatel said:
Not trying to change the topic to much lol... but do your guy's diets change at all in pct? If you were in a caloric deficit do you guys up your calories?
Yes, typically I do increase calories a bit when coming off of a cut blast into cruise. When I am between blasts, I look at it more of a maintenance phase, and don't really do surpluses or defects. It's all about retaining the gains and condition I achieved on cycle. Obviously coming off of high levels you are going to lose a little hardness, fullness, vascularity, and strength but there is no reason you can't maintain what you've gained primarily for the most part, as long as you are doing the right things. Diet, training, and PCT (or TRT) are the facts that impact that
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