Anyone every run this combo? Its my buddy's favorite cycle, but he uses the long ester of each compound.
Would this be a decent lean bulking cycle in your opinion? Something as follows:
Week 1-8
Test P - 100 mg eod
NPP - 100 mg eod
Mast P - 50 mg eod
Proviron - 50mg ed
Aromasin - 12.5 eod (adjust as needed)
Caber - on hand if needed
After week 8 back to TRT (180mg per week)
I understand the Mast is better in a cutting stack, friend claims it helps keep him lean throughout the cycle. I have done a bit a research and guys either seem to love it or say the mast doesn't make sense.
Thoughts, comments?
Would this be a decent lean bulking cycle in your opinion? Something as follows:
Week 1-8
Test P - 100 mg eod
NPP - 100 mg eod
Mast P - 50 mg eod
Proviron - 50mg ed
Aromasin - 12.5 eod (adjust as needed)
Caber - on hand if needed
After week 8 back to TRT (180mg per week)
I understand the Mast is better in a cutting stack, friend claims it helps keep him lean throughout the cycle. I have done a bit a research and guys either seem to love it or say the mast doesn't make sense.
Thoughts, comments?