
Test e to sustanon 250


New member
Guys im at test e 250mg/ml i have been using it 8weeks and i finished my liquid and my next shot is tomorrow i can only get sustanon 250 from my contact its ok to change it to sustanon 250? I have more 8 weeks in this cycle..
Guys im at test e 250mg/ml i have been using it 8weeks and i finished my liquid and my next shot is tomorrow i can only get sustanon 250 from my contact its ok to change it to sustanon 250? I have more 8 weeks in this cycle..

Yeah you can use it man, but why the fuck would you start a cycle without having what you need? I hope you are using an AI on cycle, and I hope you have your complete pct already.
Yes you can but I personally wouldn't do it. I'd find some Test E. You broke the golden rule about having everything on hand first. It just shows your lack of maturity and responsibility.
you are going to get a million people asking you why you were so irresponsible to begin with, which i will never wrap my head around... you have EIGHT more weeks? so you didnt even have but HALF of your cycle? seriously?
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