
Second cycle ideas?

Also how is it on libido?
that depends on how you run it... it can certainly hurt it if you run it too high or do not control estrogen/prolactin... the side effects are issues when you dont do research, abuse doses and dont control possible side effects... bloodwork all ties into that meaning if you dont do bloodwork, you are far more likely to incur issues
that depends on how you run it... it can certainly hurt it if you run it too high or do not control estrogen/prolactin... the side effects are issues when you dont do research, abuse doses and dont control possible side effects... bloodwork all ties into that meaning if you dont do bloodwork, you are far more likely to incur issues
Yeah, I guess it depends on the individual aswell, I know someone who got deca dick off 500 test 250 deca which dosent seem like a really massive cycle.

If I were to run nandrolone would npp be a better option or deca? Don’t really care about the bloat but more so mental and physical sides. Considering I keep me estro and prolactin in check
Yeah, I guess it depends on the individual aswell, I know someone who got deca dick off 500 test 250 deca which dosent seem like a really massive cycle.

If I were to run nandrolone would npp be a better option or deca? Don’t really care about the bloat but more so mental and physical sides. Considering I keep me estro and prolactin in check
the gap in test to deca ratio being that far off is not ideal...

thats up to you.. i would personally prefer test prop and npp 8-10 weeks as opposed to a longer cycle with deca...
Was thinking something like npp or primo. I had ideas of using big amounts of both together but have came to the conclusion of just using one of them with test. Was thinking something like a test dbol deca type of cycle. Mabey 500 test base then not sure about the dosage of the other 2 compounds.

I would go with NPP. If you haven’t ran it before you will love it. Clean fast gainz and awesome strength as well. It will add more size then primo as well.
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