
sarms, steroids


New member
Dylan, I want your honest opinion on a stacking of both steroids and sarms for a year. You tell me when to go on and off and on and off and I'll buy from you. Just need to have a professional watching over my health. ty
gonna need mucho more info first.

Age, height/weight, Body Fat, cycle experience (I'm guessing from this question zero), how long you have been training,etc.
Dylan, I want your honest opinion on a stacking of both steroids and sarms for a year. You tell me when to go on and off and on and off and I'll buy from you. Just need to have a professional watching over my health. ty
thats impossible for me to answer when you literally give me nothing to work with... i dont know your cycle history, your goals?????????? your workout history? stats??? age/height/weight/body fat... you cannot expect any sort of valid answer when you give me nothing to work with…
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