
SARM Cycle


New member
Hi guys,

So looking at improving my cutting cycle by introducing SARMs to help keep muscle as well as improve fat loss and would love some advice whilst running it.


Focused Nutrition Elite Sarm Stack
Olympus Labs Bloodshred Black Magic Edition - PreWorkout - 1 Scoop


Currently weighing 210lb (95kg), 29 year old and visually around 16% bf.


My diet consists of 1400 calories, little training (only bodyweight exercises and around 1h on the bike, due to being on call at work all night)

Going to get in morning sessions at the gym and will have to up my calories but was wondering if there is a lot to keep in mind while running a SARM Cycle.


Any warnings or help regarding increased calories during the cycle would be appreciated :)
Also if anyone has ran Bloodshr3d with sarms, what were your experience and was it too much
do not use that sarm man... NEVER use a sarm that claims to be all in one like that and especially not with a shit company like that... you are going to regret it... you have no clue what you are actually using
Thanks Dylan :)
Good shout.

So would sticking with Osta and LGD be beneficial to a cut?


Also what companies are people recommending buying from? Sorry if I overlooked them when browsing the forums
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lgd is used for bulking so its not optimal for a cut...

there are predesigned cutting stacks at esarms if you look at the 12 week stack options
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