
Regarding Boldanon Cycle , what should be best shot of testostorone mg per week?


If I want to start 16 weeks boldanon cycle then what should be my ideal testosterone shot per week? is it somewhere in between 300 to 400mg or more than that?

or 800mg boldanon + 800mg test per week?

My body fat pct. 8.5% , age 34. For your information this is my 4th time cycle?

Need the suggestion please.
Well don't know how you respond to test bro and what your goal is but 800mgs of test imo is way to much. I am currently running same cycle and am 8 weeks in i am running my test c at 500mg and the EQ at 600mg per week pinning both on m on and thurs. Gains are amazing brother but my diet is on point and training as well. Just think running test that high you run the risk of un wanted sides and also a much harsher pct. Hope that helps bro.

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Thanks for your update. So need to know what is ideal ratio for boldanon bulking cycle?

Thanks for update.

800mg EQ + 400mg Test per week :is this ideal for 16 weeks that means 1:0.5?

12.5 mg EOD aromasin for controlling Estradiol.

Purpose to participate in our National Bodybuilding contest.
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