
Question for experienced bodybuilders.


1st show tomm. Tremendous experience competing. 26years worth. All natural I must add.
Did test cyp only cycle for 7 weeks at 500mgx250pinned weekly.
Day before im ripped and lean. Nothing else used but CYP. Diet is everything.
My question. Very carb depleted and flat. Carrying 10lbs more.muscle than ever.
I usually played it safe and had pancake breakfast for carb load. After 75 shows...ive tried every day before/show day protocol.

I feel.after weigh in I should go eat "real" food. Not throw up but a hamburger and such.
Any competitors have any input. Im very lean and not too much would make me lool BAD, but just no experience this route. Thanks in advance.
Ok first u say all natty but then u say u did a cyp cycle so which is it. Lol

Second. After weigh in. Id have some pasta. Not too much. Maybe about 150g carbs. To plump those muscles back up. But not so much to the point at which u bloat up. Also day of i sipped some water and popped a gatorade power chew every once in a while. Keeps ur stomach empty but thise power chews got some sodium protein and carbs to keep u running. I ate one square every hour while waiting

chug a liter of pedialyte, Gatorade isn't that good for you compared to the greater benefits pedialyte has for getting lost nutrients back from your weigh in prep, and has a good amount of carbs in it , but not enough to bloat you .

also I see many guys do pancakes
I think he meant that all of his previous shows were natty and THIS one he ran cyp.

OP; Do you have a coach? I leave all of this up to my coach, he makes it pretty much idiot proof. I never have to think.
When it comes to carbing up everyone can be a little different what works best for them. The main thing is you should by now know exactly what carb sources fill you out best abd which ones don't do so well. Always stick with what works and don't do anything crazy or drastically different from the norm going into a show. That how I always approach it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
carb/calorie loaded friday night. listened to my body as you mentioned Rick (I've only done this million times) lol....ate some mashed potatoes..gravy...couldnt finish hamburger...took pancakes home to eat as I put on paint...slowly at pancakes...felt full but not stuffed or up middle night starving..ate fruit..2 bananas....slept 3 more hours...woke up about 4 lbs heavier.

WON overall. ****always stick to the basics and no one knows your body bette than you do. great reminder.
carb/calorie loaded friday night. listened to my body as you mentioned Rick (I've only done this million times) lol....ate some mashed potatoes..gravy...couldnt finish hamburger...took pancakes home to eat as I put on paint...slowly at pancakes...felt full but not stuffed or up middle night starving..ate fruit..2 bananas....slept 3 more hours...woke up about 4 lbs heavier.

WON overall. ****always stick to the basics and no one knows your body bette than you do. great reminder.
Awesome job bro. Glad everything went well for you

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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