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Next cycle, replace orals with what. Eq/Deca?


New member
Here?s the case, i LOVE the strenght & pumps of Tbol/Dbol. Test with dbol or tbol are just awesome. With deca added its a craaaazy time :D, i grew like hell. Have tried tbol, dbol, rad140, mk677, deca, eq, tren etc, have atleast 8 different cycles in my bag. I convert pretty hard, so over the years i dropped dbol for tbol. Also never go over 500mg test, feels if gives me more sides the gains. Dont want to eat AI like candy. 300mg test/week are pretty solid for me. Good to know i guess. Im also 185 on 100kg and round 18% fat.

After last cycle i got terrible shoulder and back acne, This was a cycle with test/tren/Tbol, i hade some acne already in the cruise but during cycle it got way out of hands, guess it was trens androgenic that pushed it over. Had to resort to accutane. Went low dose, 25mg for 5 month, 1 month left as we speak. Been on cruise for 12 weeks, so theres 3 month with no tren and only TRT dose and accutane. My acne are almost gone, back is fine and shoulders down to some small red blushes. With 6 month of accutane i dont want to put anymore stress on my liver with orals, did resently do a bloodwork and liver is fine (Everything else to for that matter), just slightly elevated liver values, almost in range of "good to go" numbers. But still, 6 month of accuitane are a long time, and it may have to be extented some weeks more.

So here i am trying to figure out my next move. It will be lean bulk cycle if you look at kcal, maybe even close to +/- 0 kcal, make it as lean as possible to grow but not add more fat then nessesary 18% is already to much. Right now i eat 190-220g protein, 260-300g carbs, 140-160g fat, 3200-3500kcal. At this im pretty steady on the scale, 4 workouts a week.

Tren is out of the picure due to the acne, i wont risk it before my skin is 200% fine again.
Im to fat for Masterone, wont be worht it
Deca, love it, good to go
Eq, dont now, run it one time and wasnt that good, maybe had bad gear Also dosed it a little to low i believe. Hows EQ on acne?
No orals this time to let the liver rest (I already got 100*20mg Ostarine though, Dont know how liver toxic it is?)

I was thinking of either.........

Test 300 mg week
Deca, 300mg week (Iv used 300mg deca before, no decadick what so ever)
Mk677 20mg ed

Solid cycle i alredy have used, but lack of tbol/dbol this time. This are an option for sure.


Test 300 to 500
Eq 600
Mk677 20mg ed

Should they be equal?

Or try the combo

Test 300
Deca 300
Eq, 600 still?
Mk677 20mg

All the of theese can be boosted with Ostarine since i already have it, if you think it will add anything and are not to liver toxic. Im leaning towards the last cycle, if the EQ wont mess to much with my acne. Fun with a cycle i never done, but not if it set backs my acne. If i stay on accutane i guess the oil skin of EQ wont be a problem. Or do you recommend something else?

Appreciate any advice you have

Best regards
Hey Dylan, if it doesnt strain my liver to much and dont screw with my lipids then im all ears. As i said, 5 month of accutane already. You think they would be an addition to test/deca/eq?
I prefer things like EQ and Primo. You can run them for 16 weeks and little to no sides.

Primo seems nice and i would run it if i was 100% i got it. But here its faked alot and expensive to. The risk of overpaying for just testo are pretty high. What does EQ do you prefer?
Primo seems nice and i would run it if i was 100% i got it. But here its faked alot and expensive to. The risk of overpaying for just testo are pretty high. What does EQ do you prefer?

Brother. I have authentic primo with lab results. Add me on Wickr..
Primo seems nice and i would run it if i was 100% i got it. But here its faked alot and expensive to. The risk of overpaying for just testo are pretty high. What does EQ do you prefer?
Primo is faked often. Thats why it's important to have a great source for it.

1 stop domestic shop has high quality primo. I actually just finished up my winter cycle 3 weeks ago with test, deca, and primo. Results were outstanding.

If you need a good quality domestic source message me and ill get you a price list. I can also help you set up your cycle

Wickr - RickRock13
Primo is faked often. Thats why it's important to have a great source for it.

1 stop domestic shop has high quality primo. I actually just finished up my winter cycle 3 weeks ago with test, deca, and primo. Results were outstanding.

If you need a good quality domestic source message me and ill get you a price list. I can also help you set up your cycle

Wickr - RickRock13

I live over seas, customs are to risky so domestic for me it is. But thx anyway :

As i said i wanted lean bulk, will upp my cardio and try some recomp. My cycle looks like this now.

Week 1-16 Test 400mg week, dosed 2 times.
Week 1-14 Eq 600mg week, dosed 2 times
Week 1-6 Rad 140, 20mg ed (Forgott i had this home lol)
Week 1-16 Cardarine 20mg ed
Week 1 and forward past the cycle, Mk677 20mg ed

0.25mg Adex EOD, adjust wheen needed, through cycle and pct.

Optional: Tbol 50mg ed 5-6 weeks If i dropped accutane and bloodtest shows good liver/kidney values. This could be done after Rad. So in between week 7-16. My acne looks real good now, almost gone. I believe accutane and be droped or lowered 2-3 weeks from now. Maybe stay on 10mg ed.

I already cycle HCG 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off since i cruised but prolly wont stay on forever.

If i go off this time then i will use the Ostarine after i dropped all gear and take it upp till start of pct. Continue with cardarine and mk.

then a classic....

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Thoughts? :)
[FONT=&quot]when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well? N2Guard plays a pivotal role in a post-cycle therapy (PCT). There?s a strong misconception that the role of a PCT is simply to restart the natural testosterone production that was shut down from the steroid cycle. While this is true, there are a lot of the other issues that the body has to deal with during a PCT: hormone fluctuations, high liver enzymes, increased blood pressure, pressure on the kidneys and endocrine system, high stress and cortisol levels, the list goes on?N2Guard helps address all of these problems and helps you recover in a timely manner. The quicker you recover, the less likelihood of any long-term problems occurring, and the more likely that all gains you make during your cycle are retained.[/FONT]



[FONT=&quot]clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]aromasin 12.5 mg eod (adjust accordingly)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]gw-501516 20 mg day[/FONT]
Hey Dylan i have a question that maybe you know the answear to.. Last time i took mk i got the hunger, i sleept real good and i had the numb/tickly fingers for a while so im pretty shore i had legit mk677. As im certain you know Mk can affect the insuling resistance and give high bloodsuger, long therm it can turn you into a diabetic. Anyway i took a bloodtest during this time on MK677 and i actually had lower bloodsuger then usual, both longterm suger and the other one. I did clean up my food during that time just because of this. And since my sugar didnt spike at all, does that mean maybe im not that prone to MK suger realated issues?

Do you think Berberine are a good supplement during MK use?
Hey Dylan i have a question that maybe you know the answear to.. Last time i took mk i got the hunger, i sleept real good and i had the numb/tickly fingers for a while so im pretty shore i had legit mk677. As im certain you know Mk can affect the insuling resistance and give high bloodsuger, long therm it can turn you into a diabetic. Anyway i took a bloodtest during this time on MK677 and i actually had lower bloodsuger then usual, both longterm suger and the other one. I did clean up my food during that time just because of this. And since my sugar didnt spike at all, does that mean maybe im not that prone to MK suger realated issues?

Do you think Berberine are a good supplement during MK use?
u can try that or lower the dosage
I live over seas, customs are to risky so domestic for me it is. But thx anyway :

As i said i wanted lean bulk, will upp my cardio and try some recomp. My cycle looks like this now.

Week 1-16 Test 400mg week, dosed 2 times.
Week 1-14 Eq 600mg week, dosed 2 times
Week 1-6 Rad 140, 20mg ed (Forgott i had this home lol)
Week 1-16 Cardarine 20mg ed
Week 1 and forward past the cycle, Mk677 20mg ed

0.25mg Adex EOD, adjust wheen needed, through cycle and pct.

Optional: Tbol 50mg ed 5-6 weeks If i dropped accutane and bloodtest shows good liver/kidney values. This could be done after Rad. So in between week 7-16. My acne looks real good now, almost gone. I believe accutane and be droped or lowered 2-3 weeks from now. Maybe stay on 10mg ed.

I already cycle HCG 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off since i cruised but prolly wont stay on forever.

If i go off this time then i will use the Ostarine after i dropped all gear and take it upp till start of pct. Continue with cardarine and mk.

then a classic....

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20

Thoughts? :)
I think it looks pretty good though id run the EQ the whole 16 weeks. Don't stop it at 14 weeks
I’m ready to try warms , I’ve done teen with test cyp I got a little weird at night trying to sleep and breath a bit.
I’m looking foreword to the next cycle.,I still want to use test cyp 300mg a week looking for additional compound to gain some lean muscle any suggestions
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