Weight: 223
Body fat: %15-16
Years of training:27
Complete cycle history: Nothing except TRT for the last 6 months. 175 mg of test-c per week, .5 Mg anastrozole per week, use 25 gauge 5/8” needles. TT was 338 in June, now mid 900s.
Goals: Reduce body fat to around 10% and gain some strength
Supplements: Creatine, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, fish oil
General idea of nutrition: Clean eating, some intermittent fasting
Weight: 223
Body fat: %15-16
Years of training:27
Complete cycle history: Nothing except TRT for the last 6 months. 175 mg of test-c per week, .5 Mg anastrozole per week, use 25 gauge 5/8” needles. TT was 338 in June, now mid 900s.
Goals: Reduce body fat to around 10% and gain some strength
Supplements: Creatine, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, fish oil
General idea of nutrition: Clean eating, some intermittent fasting