
Need Some Help


New member
I’m 48 yo and on TRT since 40.
My problem started about 1 year ago. I do my labs every 2 months and my readings are consistent 1500> test and my estrogen is in the low 40s. 42 being the high number.

So I’ve been battling it for a year.
My dose is Test 200 mg per week 100 2x per week and Deca 200 mg per week for my joints. I know that’s high for a TRT dose

I have to take an Aromosin AM and a Arimidex pm ED to keep my estrogen in the 40s
To get it lower I need to take 2 aromosin and 1 arimidex ED

All my stuff is prescription so I know it’s legit

That’s a huge amount for 200mg of test 200 deca. I thought I would try Masteron not prescription for a month at 300 mg per week and drop the Deca to see if I could get my estrogen down. After a month I went up from 41 to 55 Estradiol taking again one Aromosin Am and Arimidex Pm both prescriptions from Wallgreens.

. Does anybody have any ideas?
I do competent but my contest prep is Tren Test and Var and I haven’t competed in over a year.
I’m 6.0 210 right now with 10% bf
Any ideas need some help.
I agree but even at 400 any ideas why my estrogen is so high
As we know deca doesn’t convert to estrogen like Test does so fig I would be ok
So far labs are good except for those 2 things
And why would it go even higher adding Masteron
It’s was only used to see if I could drop my estrogen and stop taking so many anti estrogen pills
When your Test level goes up estrogen rises to try to create a balance. The longer you keep your Test that high the harder it is going to be to control it. Everyone is different for sure, but if you mean to be on TRT you should keep your Test level around 800.....

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Yes and thank you for your help
Just never heard of anyone having that high of a reading for 200 test and that many Anti-Estrogens
Add the Deca but it aromotisez much less. Just doesn’t make sense. 1500+ on my reading.
Yes and thank you for your help
Just never heard of anyone having that high of a reading for 200 test and that many Anti-Estrogens
Add the Deca but it aromotisez much less. Just doesn’t make sense. 1500+ on my reading.
Everyone responds differently to compounds
Rick makes sense. Is it possible that some how my body could turn even masteron into some estrogen?

With test and estrogen being that high on both ends would that mean my body breaks down test easily and is converting a lot or just the opposite it doesn’t break it down and that’s why my number is so high because I can’t absorb it.and it’s floating around in my bloodstream.

I’m 100% ectomorph
Rick makes sense
One ? If I could.
With Test & Estrogen being so high even with the Anti-E pills and low T dose...does that mean that my body has a hard time breaking down test so I have a lot floating around not being absorbed Properly so alot gets converted to Estrogen or just the opposite...I am breaking it down and converting a lot to to estrogen and test is high because of this?
Thanks again trying my best to fig this out.
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I know first hand that Tren can give a false estrogen reading because the body reads The metabolites as estrogen. My labs have shown that too like 499 estrogen after a show and its back down in a week post cycle. Can Mast be doing the same thing hence why my E went up after really 3 weeks only by like 12 points. Again appreciate any help.
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masteron will not convert to estrogen in any way, shape or form and actually has AI properties... NO, NO and NO, it will not.. telling us you take 2 or 3 pills doesnt mean a thing in terms of how much you are taking... how many MG of each are you taking? some people are severely estrogen prone... we dont know why.. some people never get any sort of side effects estrogen wise... did it ever occur to you that perhaps you dont actually have masteron?
Aromosin 25mg
Armidex 1mg

Brother I know you get asked a million ? a day and I can’t thank u enough for helping us all out.
We know there are plenty of guys that have no clue.
My wording may come across to you as I’m one of them. I can assure u I’m not.

Your answer seems to make me think I have no clue. I promise u I do my homework like you. I’ll study a supplement for weeks before taking. I read medical journals. Not bro science.
If I came across as some young guy who just wants to get huge that’s not me.

I’m a firefighter/paramedic so have a little background on meds and how they work.
I didn’t start taking steroids until 39 but weight trained since 14. I’m a certified trainer and dietician.
I do labs every 2 months.
I agree with you and it’s why I test all my steroids before I take them. I use a steroid test kit. The masteron came back positive. Now that doesn’t mean it’s not test as it only tests for the hormone not exactly what it is. Those tests can only be done in labs.
Again I agree it could be testosterone
but as we know crazy things can happen like Tren giving a false estrogen high reading.
So was just trying to see if masteron can do funny things like that.
What’s crazy is my estrogen went up but I’m def looking more ripped. Making me think it’s legit but as we know the underground is a very dirty place!

Again thank you for all u do for us. I’ve learned a ton from you.
Mr. Gemelli
First off I want to thank you seriously for all u do for us. I’ve learned a ton.
My words and question may come across to as I have no clue.
That’s on me!

I’m a firefighter/paramedic,certified trainer and dietician witch means nothing except I do have a little background on how meds work and affect the body including steroids.
I didnt start taking them until I was 40 but I’ve weight trained seriously since 14yo.
I study everything before taking it through medical journals not bro science.
I test all my stuff before taking it with a steroid test kit.

The masteron tested positive.
Actually it test positive for a hormone. Now that could be Test I don’t know since there are no test that can do that except for an actual lab.

I was just trying to fig out why my readings seem so high for there doses and thought maybe mast can give a false estrogen reading like Tren does even though Tren doesn’t aromatise either but will give u crazy readings because labs read the Tren metababolites as estrogen.

Again thank you for all u do for us!
Take care!
Again thank u.
For everything u do
U may think I have no clue but I do study everything before taking
I’m a certified trainer,dietician and firefighter/paramedic
Means nothing except I do have I little knowledge on meds and steroids
masteron wont cause a false reading like tren will... so im not sure what the issue is here but i assure you that it is definitely not masteron unless it in fact, is not actually masteron
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